Sunday 11 November 2010--Marion Akers (IN), Simon Akers (IN), Tony
Akers (IN), Don Broussard, Gill Ediger, Ernie Garza, Jim Jasek (Waco),
Mimi Jasek (Waco), Ryan Monjaras, Justin Rader (Galveston) Terry
Raines, Ron Rutherford, & Melinda Tuley (Galveston).  Visitors whom I
saw included James Brown, Kiwi, and most of the Gluesenkamp Clan.
    The Jaseks undertook to clean the slope above a couple of perilous
and pendent rocks, that have been the subject of much trepidation of
late, so that they might be removed later in the day without tons of
soil and rocks coming down along with them. Tony Akers went down with
a jackhammer and reduced a couple of blocking rocks in the North Lead.
Then Marion went in and cleaned up the residue. Melinda and Justin
showed up from Galveston and I sent them in to explore the cave prior
to getting to work. Meanwhile people dug down where convenient and
practical around the barrels and dug out around some large rocks that
would need hoisting before much more work could go on. We'd started
with 2-1/2 barrels already filled from the 7 October dig and had
filled 2-1/2 more by 1:30 so, with almost no place to put another
barrel--or more diggers--and still work, I declared the day over. It
was about that time that Ryan and Ron showed up and filled another
barrel having gained some space and opened a new face. Terry showed up
with his winch truck and we hoisted all 6 barrels out before the winch
heated up. Most of the early arrivals left. Terry and I took an hour
to allow the winch to cool to tend to some other matters, during which
time Ron and Ryan filled 2 more barrels. Upon our return the winch had
cooled and the remaining 2 barrels were hoisted and a half-dozen or so
rocks lifted out, including the perilous one. We stashed the tools,
cleaned up the work area, and went home.
    Totals included: 2-1/2 barrels already filled, 2-1/2 barrels
filled by the morning crew, and 3 barrels filled by the afternoon crew
for a total of 8 barrels. 5 or 6 medium to large rocks were also
hoisted, leaving about that many more to remove before the next dig
which, by the way, is scheduled for the 25th November. The north lead
requires a bit more clean up work and, visually, seems to have pinched
into a washed gravel filled (almost) lead--not what I was looking for.

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