Subject: Fw: News from the Conservation Lands Foundation

Everyone:  we have all seen the Newspaper clip that I forwarded to you before, 
however the Conservation Lands Foundation picked this up as well because I also 
forwarded to them for their national Newsletter.  Always good to see our Caves 
and the dedicated volunteers recognized.

Lynda Sanchez

From: Conservation Lands Foundation 
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 11:50 AM
Subject: News from the Conservation Lands Foundation

                                               Weekly News Clips 
                  Our Mission: 

                   To protect, restore and expand the National Conservation 
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           In This Issue- Weekly News Clips -- December 5, 2012 
                        Protecting Public Lands is Key to the West's 
Competitive Advantage 
                        Long past time to protect Gold Butte 
                        A hidden playground: Dominguez Canyon full of beauty, 
                        Report on status of San Pedro to be presented Wednesday 
                        Photos, essays offer glimpse of NPRA complexity 
                        A monumental danger 
                        Fort Stanton Cave Study Project honors two with Caver 
Hall of Fame awards 


                        Protecting Public Lands is Key to the West's 
Competitive Advantage

                        Conservation Lands Foundation blog


                        For those of us who live and work near our National 
Conservation Lands, we know the inherent value of having these amazing places 
protected for future generations. In fact a recent poll this summer showed that 
nine-in-ten Westerners agree that public lands, including "national parks, 
forests, monuments, and wildlife areas" are an essential part of their state's 
economy. So it's nice to see this feeling confirmed through economic research. 
A new report by Headwaters Economics entitled West Is Best: How Public Lands in 
the West Create a Competitive Economic Advantage shows that protected public 
lands provide western states with a competitive economic advantage.


                        Long past time to protect Gold Butte

                        Las Vegas Sun


                        Monday's op-ed column about the Gold Butte area, 
"Protecting Gold Butte would help tourism," highlighted the many important 
values of this unique area. A recent survey of Clark County residents showed 
that two-thirds of them agree that it should be protected.

                        Ideally by now, our congressional delegation would have 
introduced legislation to designate Gold Butte as a National Conservation Area. 
Since that hasn't happened, perhaps it is time for President Barack Obama to 
accede to the will of the people by establishing it as a national monument. 


                        A hidden playground: Dominguez Canyon full of beauty, 



                        The Dominguez Canyon Wilderness, located west of U.S. 
50, near Grand Junction, is a 66,280-acre expanse located within the 
Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area. Established in 2009 as part of 
the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009, the Dominguez Canyon Wilderness 
is the largest roadless area managed by the Bureau of Land Management in the 


                        Report on status of San Pedro to be presented Wednesday

                        Sierra Vista Herald


                        A final report on the condition of the San Pedro River 
by the Bureau of Land Management and the National Riparian Service Team will be 
presented Wednesday, Dec. 4, from 5-8 p.m. at the Sierra Vista Police 
Department's training room.

                        The report will cover each of the 10 reaches of the 
river, an overview on its current condition and ways the river may be helped.

                        The report represents the culmination of days in April 
spent hiking public lands within the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation 
Area (SPRNCA) along the river from the Mexican border to St. David to assess 
the reaches that covered some 51 miles and months of studying and discussing 
the results.


                        Photos, essays offer glimpse of NPRA complexity

                        The Arctic Sounder


                        A recently released book of photography and essays aims 
to document the richness of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, a richness 
its authors and photographers say goes far beyond the potential oil reserves 
beneath its tundra.


                        Conservationists: Mobilize in defense of American 
Wilderness Act

                        Alaska Dispatch


                        Conservationists and wilderness enthusiasts across 
America are mobilizing to defeat a bill passed by the House of Representatives 
in April that would eviscerate the 1964 Wilderness Act. Deceptively entitled 
the Sportsmen's Heritage Act, the bill (H.R. 4089) purports to protect hunting, 
fishing, and recreational shooting. The bill is being pushed by powerful groups 
like the National Rifle Association and Safari Club International and supported 
by some of the most anti-wilderness Republicans in Congress. And it would 
effectively gut the Wilderness Act and protections for every wilderness in 
America's 110-million-acre National Wilderness Preservation System - everywhere 
from the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Minnesota to the 
Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness along the Montana-Idaho border that I can see from 
my home.


                        A monumental danger

                        High Country News


                        Thomas Hulen, executive director ofFriends of the 
Sonoran Desert National Monument, doesn't like all the negative publicity. 
"Mostly what we hear in the news is the problems with smuggling," he said, "and 
people are afraid to go down there because of this issue." He doesn't think 
people should be scared of visiting public lands, so his group is staging a 
series of hikes and trash clean-ups in the area designed to "show our elected 
officials and the smugglers we will not be intimidated and that we demand to 
access and enjoy our public land heritage," according to a post on the group's 


                        Fort Stanton Cave Study Project honors two with Caver 
Hall of Fame awards

                        Ruidoso Free Press


                        During the 2012 fall expedition of the FSCSP, two world 
renowned cavers and scientists were honored for their contributions, expertise, 
years of dedication, creativity and research to help better understand the 
unique history and geo-hydrology of world class Fort Stanton Cave. Part of the 
BLM's National Conservation Area system, this particular NCA was established in 
2009 as a result of a major push to preserve the cave and its surroundings 
after the 2001 breakthrough and discovery of Snowy River Passage.

                  What did I miss?  Please send stories on the National 
Conservation Lands to 

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