texascavers Digest 5 Jan 2013 18:25:25 -0000 Issue 1690

Topics (messages 21208 through 21212):

Re: Pack Patching Party-Jan 8th! For Honey Creek Tank Haul (and trip updates)
        21208 by: ellie watson

NSS Headquarters Volunteer Work Days, 2013 -- we need YOU!
        21209 by: NSS Announcements

[CORRECTION]TSA Winter Business Meeting
        21210 by: Arburn Don

Paging Catherine Berkely-Jones
        21211 by: Denise P

Texas Speleological Survey work session
        21212 by: Ron Ralph


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--- Begin Message ---
Here's a reminder for the *Pack Patching Party* set for next week, Jan 8th,
Tuesday evening around 7-8ish at 300 W Mockingburd Ln, Austin TX. We have
30+ large group packs to repair for the Honey Creek Tank Haul. Those who
help patch group packs are welcome to bring your own personal pack to patch
with supplies provided.  Please let me know if you can come out and if you
have an Awl/Speedy Stitch we can borrow.

We still need cavers to haul group gear on the Honey Creek Tank Haul
Extravaganza, January 19th and January 26th. Please contact me off list if
you want to join the team.

See you soon!


Jan 19 Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/277471285691023/
Jan 26 Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/188112567987494/

On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 8:09 PM, ellie watson <ellie.tho...@gmail.com>wrote:

> *Pack Patching Party!* Tentatively set for Jan 8th, Tuesday evening at
> 300 W Mockingburd Ln, Austin TX. We have 30+ large group packs to repair
> for the Honey Creek Tank Haul. Those who help patch group packs are welcome
> to bring your own personal pack to patch for free.  Please let me know if
> you can come out and if you have an Awl/Speedy Stitch we can borrow.
> In just 3 weekends we will be embarking on the Honey Creek Tank Haul
> Extravaganza-January 19th and January 26th and we still need cavers to haul
> group gear to the sump. We currently have 30 people signed up for the
> haul-in and the haul-out but are trying to recruit 50+ cavers for each
> weekend. Thank you to all who have already volunteered. Cavers will be
> contributing to original cave exploration to some of the most remote cave
> passages in Texas. We not only need cavers to haul gear in the cave but can
> use surface support to guide things along as cavers are lowered into and
> out of the cave on a tractor. Invite friends...this is a great trip and a
> On January 19th, cavers will haul gear to Sump 1 for Dr. Jean Krejca and
> James to begin their 4-day underground camp/exploration. The divers will
> split up their gear into individual loads on the surface, cavers will
> choose a load,  and each person/team is responsible for taking their load
> to the sump. Once cavers get to the sump, they can abandon their gear and
> head back to the surface for an evening of reverie. Jean and James will
> then begin prepping for their dive/diving with Lydia Hernandez and Ellie
> Watson to hold down camp.
> On January 26th, cavers will go to Sump 1 and haul gear out of the cave.
> Honey Creek is a water cave and you will need a wetsuit and harness with
> d-ring to be lowered on cable down a man-made shaft. I recommend flotation
> and water-tight food containers. Don't let lack of gear hold you back, ask
> your local grotto to help you find the necessary gear so you don't miss out
> on this trip. An empty detergent jug with carabiner to hook to outside of
> pack works as a good flotation. Best to use group packs unless you are
> willing to leave it in for both weekends.
> The trip to the sump typically takes 6 hours and includes walking,
> salamandering, crawling, and "The Mud and The Crud". Estimate for 12 hour
> total trip-6 hours to sump and 6 hours back to man-made entrance. The trip
> is challenging but very fun. Camping is available both weekends and we will
> enter the cave around 9am.
> We are arranging group breakfasts and suppers for cavers both weekends. We
> have been asking individuals and grottos for donations to fund the
> tank-haul efforts and the Bexar Grotto and UT Grotto have already made
> generous donations. Donations will defray group meal costs, small trinkets
> for each participant, and consumables for each caver(drinks and snacks).
> Dr. Jean Krejca will be hosting a door-prize drawing on the second haul
> weekend, Jan 26th. Grand prize is a expedition size cave pack made by Ron
> Rutheford. Please bring any extra prizes you have for the prize pool.
> Please don't hesitate to ask questions,
> Ellie
> 509-899-0007
> Jan 19 Facebook Event Page:
> https://www.facebook.com/events/277471285691023/
> Jan 26 Facebook Event Page:
> https://www.facebook.com/events/188112567987494/

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
The next NSS Headquarters work days have been scheduled!!

On Saturday, January 19, we will prepare the next areas for demolition. This will include disconnecting power, removing ceilings, removing cabinets and salvaging whatever can be re-used. It will be a one day event, with work starting at 9:00 am.

On Saturday & Sunday, January 26 & 27, we will continue the demolition of the current office areas in preparation for the rebuild of the front foyer and reception areas. There is INDOOR camping available.

Check out the NSS Headquarters Facebook page for more information.

Come on down and show your support for the new NSS Headquarters. The last demo weekend was a HUGE success. 25 cavers showed up and pitched in to get this facility ready for the NSS to move this coming summer.

For more information, email me at tnshot...@earthlink.net or call me at 423-605-5569. Lets show the NSS how much cavers can get done!

Maureen Handler
NSS Headquarters volunteer coordinator

[Feel free to post this to any additional mailing lists as appropriate.]

--- End Message ---
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> At Colorado Bend State Park January 12 at the visitors center. Be there or be 
> square! It'll probably get started early around 8 a.m.
> Contact me for more info.



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Please email me off list.
Denise Prendrergast 
(Former TSA Secretary)                                    

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Our next scheduled second Wednesday work session of the Texas Speleological
Survey will be on January 9th at the JJ Pickle Research Center. There have
been several boxes of someone's personal library dropped off and we need
help going through the wealth and setting up the files.  Come by and help
out and search the files for your favorite caves. If you have a desire to
see the files and unpublished maps, come by and take a look.


Use the front entrance on Burnet Road north of highway 183. Both publication
sales and the library will be open. The door will be open at 5:00 p.m. and
stay open till we adjourn. Remember it is best to arrive before 6:00 pm and
drinks are on me. I just found out that paid parking permits are only
necessary during the day and that evenings are free, so don't worry about
parking tickets.


If you have questions, please contact me at  <mailto:ronra...@austin.rr.com>
ronra...@austin.rr.com or call my cell. I will be happy to send you a link
to the map of the Campus if you need directions.


Ron Ralph

Cell: 797-3817


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