KIWI SINK Digging Project Trip Report. The purpose of the Project is
to remove fill dumped into the cave 40 or more years ago. It is an
attempt to reach going passage and eventually a connection with the
aquifer. Kiwi Sink is a rain water recharge cave. Today's digging crew
consisted of: Don Broussard, Erin Brown, Gill Ediger, Ernie Garza, Amy
Jasek, Jim Jasek, Mimi Jasek, Kris Pena, Will Quast, Ron Rutherford, &
John Schneider. All-in-all, 13 barrels were filled and portions of the
floor lowered a meter or more. Voids were discovered in one section of
the floor (later temporarily refilled by stray diggings) which had
refreshingly cool air blowing out of them. I think 5 (maybe 6) large
rocks were hoisted to the surface. Many thanks to Terry Raines for the
use of his winch truck. One empty barrel fell about 15 feet due to a
mismatch of chain and hook. No damage was inflicted. We won't do that
again. Visitors today included: Bill Bentley, James Brown, Louise
Calder, Julia Germany, Andy Gluesenkamp, Robert Hemperly, Terry
Holsinger, & Terry Raines. Many thanks to all who showed up and
          --Gill Ediger

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