Hi Aaron,

Very interesting. And Mt. Erebus would be a good test for temperatures resembling Mars. Good luck. Will you be visiting Mt. Erebus Volcano Observatory?


Hi Lee & SWR list,

You may be interested to hear I will be using flying robots to explore the ice caves on Mt Erebus this December as part of my PhD project at New Mexico Tech. I am currently testing an xAircraft X650 frame with the open-source ArduPilotMega 2 flight controller. I hope to purchase a Hokyo lidar which I will either mount on the xAircraft frame, or if I can find sufficient funding ($12,500) I would like to purchase the Ascending Technologies SLAM Pelican system. My current research is on Erebus but I would of course use this system in traditional karst as well. I've done plenty of traditional cave surveying, and some cave lidar surveying, and think that quadcopter-mounted lidar systems are a great solution, and the technology is here already. I have an old blog post here: http://www.diydrones.com/xn/detail/705844:BlogPost:839613

Feel free to get in touch with me if you are interested, or have suggestions for further funding sources.


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