texascavers Digest 29 Aug 2012 03:22:25 -0000 Issue 1618

Topics (messages 20635 through 20645):

Re: More about carbide caving
        20635 by: Mark Minton

UT Grotto Meeting - Wed August 29th
        20636 by: Gary Franklin

Caving over Labor Day
        20637 by: vivbone.att.net

Robots to Go Spelunking in Martian Caves?
        20638 by: Lee H. Skinner
        20639 by: Gill Edigar

Re: DistoX  X2 Whatever.
        20640 by: S S

Re: The Dirty Little Secret About CoQ10
        20641 by: Fritz Holt

robots to explore Martian lava tubes
        20642 by: Mixon Bill

Re: Meander PVC - combi
        20643 by: David Ochel
        20644 by: Fofo
        20645 by: Mark Minton


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--- Begin Message --- Unless something in the lamp catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, that would do no good. (Iron works well.) In any event, 3% hydrogen peroxide is probably too dilute to have much effect. Interesting idea, though. With an oxy-acetylene lamp you could cut through cave gates! ;-)


At 11:37 PM 8/24/2012, Don Cooper wrote:
I tried using 3% H2O2 in my carbide generator for a while, thinking a
little oxygen might make the light a little brighter.


Please reply to mmin...@caver.net
Permanent email address is mmin...@illinoisalumni.org
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Howdy Caver,

You are cordially invited to attend the next UT Grotto meeting
Wednesday August 29th from 7:45PM- 9:00PM
University of Texas Campus in 2.48 Painter Hall (156 West 24th Street,
Austin TX 78712) http://www.utexas.edu/maps/main/buildings/pai.html

Ellie Watson will present - The Ongoing Re-survey of Logan's Cave
Ellie is a hardcore international caver recently transplanted from the
Bexar Grotto to Austin.  She has worked toward the re-survey of a great
cave with a 24.8 meter dome room and will share some great photos as well
as the aspects of a local project that was close enough to include
weeknight trips.
Bryce Smith will start the program with a short talk - Gypsum Caves in the
Bryce is a relatively new caver who participated in Jim Kennedy's trip to
panhandle to seek out and survey gypsum caves.  Come out for the fun and
fellowship in Austin Texas and check out the adventures of these young

For information on Underground Texas Grotto activities, please see
Officer contact, trip reports, event calendar, and new caver training links
to beginner trips or vertical rope training are available.

Before the meeting, take advantage of Sao Paulo  www.saopaulos.net  for
happy hour specials.  This area is the best place to park and meet folks
walking over to the meeting.  Then after the official meeting, we continue
with the decades long tradition to reconvene for burgers, beer, and tall
tales of caving at Posse East.  www.posse-east.com

The UT Grotto Program calendar is wide open and needs you, the caver with
photos and a story to share about your adventures, scientific research, or
something else really cool.  Contact me.


Gary Franklin
UT Grotto Vice Chair & Program Organizer

ellie watson <ellie.tho...@gmail.com>
bryce smith <bag...@facebook.com>

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Who's got a good cave trip planned for this weekend? Unexpectedly, I have the 3 
day weekend off. I need to go caving. 
-Vivian Loftin

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Discovery news article:


Now can't you imagine a bunch of robots exploring leads in Lechuguilla? :-)

Lee Skinner

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
I'm not sure that the dreamers have a complete grasp on it all, Lee.
But they should get something, at least, for dreaming.

On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 8:57 PM, Lee H. Skinner <skin...@thuntek.net> wrote:
> Discovery news article:
> http://tinyurl.com/8jkgvbx
> Now can't you imagine a bunch of robots exploring leads in Lechuguilla? :-)
> Lee Skinner
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- I got a response from a couple people who are working on a board for the Leica DX and the newest model.  The boards are still in development but they should have a release here in the next 6 months.   

I'm so excited for my surveyor of one

-- Sent from my HP TouchPad

On Aug 26, 2012 7:39 PM, Mark Minton <mmin...@caver.net> wrote:
This idea of paperless caving has been around for quite a
while. In addition to the Swiss site cited below, there was a
detailed article by Mark Passerby in the final issue of the now
defunct Caves.com Magazine (issue 9, circa 2004) about using it in a
caving project in WV. See
<http://www.cavediggers.com/magazine/9th.pdf> under Raders Valley
Project, p. 4. Of course a lot of the technology discussed there is
obsolete as better devices and software are now available.


At 09:12 PM 8/24/2012, Bennett Lee wrote:
>I've heard about azimuth/inclination mods to distos, but I didn't know
>there was a Bluetooth addition with software that imports the data and
>lets you sketch on a PDA.
> From the pics, it looks like you can get more accurate sketches because
>you can quickly shoot to every key wall and feature in the room and draw
>your sketch around the survey points (more or less real-time) right on
>the PDA screen. That's freaking sweet! Screw paper sketches, those
>awful high-angle measurements, erasure marks, and ANNOYING EDGES OF
>PAPER that get in the way of a great sketch, followed by manually
>entering all the data points, scanning in all the paper, and the long,
>tedious process of drawing everything a second time in Illustrator
>(sometimes by someone who has never even been in the cave), then
>months/years later you finally have a printable map. Seems like with
>this setup you have a complete map the moment you walk out of the cave.
>Holy crap! Why haven't we all switched to this?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Fofo [mailto:f...@gzluna.com]
>Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 7:18 PM
>To: texascavers@texascavers.com
>Subject: Re: [Texascavers] DistoX X2 Whatever.
>Hey Bennett.
>Sorry if there is some confusion, and maybe Serur was asking about the
>Disto just as a distance measuring tool and in that case, yeah, the
>D210XT is great.
>But there are some aftermarket modifications that can be made to the
>(now obsolete) Disto A3 that make it measure azimuth and inclination as
>well as distance, so it becomes an "all in one" survey tool (and if you
>couple it via Bluetooth with a PDA running PocketTopo or Auriga, it's a
>"paperless survey": http://paperless.bheeb.ch/ ).
>There is an effort to be able to modify the newer Distos, but it
>apparently has been much more challenging, that's what I was talking
>Take care,
>- Fofo
>On 24/08/12 17:07, Bennett Lee wrote:
> > I've been using the replacement model, the Disto D210XT, for several
> > months. I've been happy with it. Not waterproof, but dust/water
> > resistant enough to handle muddy caves, brief drops in water, and
> > cleaning off in my sink at home. More features than we need cave
> > surveying, but the ones we do need (units, single shot, max/min
> > distance) are accessible and easy to use. Plus the 3-line display
> > lets you quickly pop off 3 shots and average. Nice rubber grip. Runs
> > on 2 AAA batteries, which most of us cavers have on hand in the cave.
> >
> > Haven't heard about the issues Fofo mentioned--mine has been working
> > great. My only complaint is that the large screen is easily
> > scratched, but so far mine has been surviving cave abuse quite well.
> > I'm so pleased that I've been considering buying a second so I have a
> > backup that I can use while sketching. The D210XT runs $219 online.
> >
> > --Bennett
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Fofo [mailto:f...@gzluna.com]
> > Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 10:09 AM
> > To: texascavers
> > Subject: Re: [Texascavers] DistoX X2 Whatever.
> >
> > Yeah. Kevin Dixon made a batch of Disto X boards last year, and it was
> > probably the last one since some of the parts are obsolete and hard to
> > find (and the Leica A3 which this board fits is also pretty hard to
> > find now).
> >
> > I'm excited about the Disto DXT (the newer version), apparently there
> > have been several issues, but I hope that they figure them out soon.
> >
> > So, Serur, at this point it sounds like your best bet would be to find
> > someone who owns a Disto X and hopefully you can borrow it.
> >
> > - Fofo
> >
> > Mark Minton wrote, on 24/8/12 6:55 :
> >> The Disto X is no longer being made. However a newer version is under
> >> development. See
> >>
> <http://www.karstworlds.com/2011/01/digital-surveying-disto-x-replacement.html>,
> >> <http://paperless.bheeb.ch/>.
> >>
> >> Mark
> >>
> >> At 03:07 AM 8/24/2012, S S wrote:
> >>> Does anyone know where you can get a DistoX or whatever the latest
> >>> revision is. And any feedback on these.
> >>>
> >>> Serur

Please reply to mmin...@caver.net
Permanent email address is mmin...@illinoisalumni.org

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
While an infomercial, these are interesting and informative facts that I felt 
beneficial for all cavers and their families to know.
I have been taking a statin drug for several years and only recently learned of 
the importance of also taking CoQ10.
Always open to comments or corrections.




Dear Newsmax Reader:

Please find below a special message from our sponsoring advertiser,
Joshua Corn, Editor-in-Chief of the Live In The Now newsletter. He has some 
important information to share with you. Thank you.


EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL REPORT - The Dirty Little Secret About CoQ10
Dear Health Conscious Reader,

Are you one of the tens of millions of Americans who suffer every day from 
vague symptoms such as low energy, cloudy thinking, chronic muscle pain or 
joint discomfort?

You could embark on a wild goose chase of doctors, pharmaceutical drugs and 
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just chalk it up to getting older and accept it.

But before you do that, you should know that the solution to your problems 
could be as simple as correcting a nutritional deficiency that severely 
compromises heart function, and sadly affects the majority of people over age 
45. [1] Unfortunately, few doctors fully understand the nature of this 
deficiency and how it affects heart function. And no surprise - the big 
pharmaceutical companies have actually gone out of their way to suppress 
research on it.

My name is Joshua Corn and I am the Editor-in-Chief of the Live in the Now 
newsletter - one of the fastest growing natural health publications in the 
nation. I am also CEO of Stop Aging Now, a company that has been making premium 
grade supplements since 1995. My passion for natural health always drives me to 
seek the truth and to educate people on alternative solutions that are both 
safe and effective.

Please keep reading, because once again, we're revealing a simple, natural 
remedy that can change your life forever.
Remember That Your Heart Is Your Engine

I like to think about it this way. Your heart works day in and day out to bring 
crucial oxygen and nutrients to literally every cell in your body, especially 
your brain cells. It is essentially the "engine" that is powering your entire 
body, and on average it needs to beat about 100,000 times a day to get its job 
done. [2] That means it will beat billions of times over the course of your 
life. Sounds like a lot of work and strain on the heart muscles? It is, which 
is why taking care of your heart and keeping it strong is the key to a healthy 
heart and a long life.
What Fuels Your Heart?

[http://news.newsmax.com/images/46087/heart-fuel.jpg]Your heart is fueled by 
something called CoEnzyme Q10. You may have heard of CoQ10 before, but it's 
important to understand why this nutrient is so critical to your body function. 
CoQ10 is a cellular energy booster and powerful antioxidant and it is an 
essential part of your body's energy-producing process. CoQ10 is found 
throughout your body, but is most highly concentrated in heart muscles because 
of high energy demands there.

When your heart has the high levels of CoQ10 it needs, it works like a charm. 
But when levels get low, your heart strains to do its job, and ultimately your 
entire body suffers. [3] Suboptimal heart function can result in "mystery" 
illnesses such as fatigue, pain and decreases in mental functions, just to name 
a few.
Why Take Supplemental CoQ10?

According to leading experts who are on the cutting edge of natural health, 
it's critical to supplement with CoQ10 as you age. After the age of 30, natural 
levels of CoQ10 begin to diminish. By the age of 50, your CoQ10 levels may be 
too low to support optimal heart function. [4] By age 70, your levels can 
become so low they can actually accelerate aging. [5] Your age aside, further 
loss of CoQ10 is caused by stress, illness or the use of certain medications 
such as statins.

In fact, the WORST culprit is statin drugs. [6] It is now estimated that 1 in 3 
adults over 50 take a statin. Meanwhile, few doctors warn their patients that 
by taking a statin to "help" their heart, they are in fact slowly draining 
their heart of the very fuel it needs for optimal health. In my opinion this is 
a shame, since so many people's heart health is being needlessly jeopardized at 
the hands of their own doctors.

[http://news.newsmax.com/images/46087/josh-corn-headshot3.jpg]Joshua Corn, 
Editor-in-Chief of the Live in the Now newsletter, is a health freedom advocate 
who's been involved in the natural health movement for over 15 years. He's 
always been dedicated to promoting health, vitality, longevity and natural 
living. Josh is currently writing a book on natural remedies and is gearing up 
to launch the Live in the Now radio show. In addition to his work in the 
natural health field, Josh is an avid outdoorsman, organic gardener, animal 
lover and enjoys "living in the now" with his wife and two sons.

The Benefits of CoQ10 Are Too Good To Ignore

I've read literally hundreds of CoQ10 studies from around the world. I can tell 
you first hand that CoQ10 is amazingly safe and well tolerated by the human 
body. There appears to be no toxicity, even at super high levels. [7,8,9] Also, 
it has virtually no side effects. It doesn't make you jittery or upset your 
stomach. It doesn't conflict with any other medications or supplements you may 

What it does do is nothing short of a health miracle in my opinion:

 *   Energizes your heart and keeps it pumping strong [10]
 *   Boost brain power and provides mental clarity [11]
 *   Provides cellular energy and effectively combats fatigue [12]
 *   Fights off harmful free radicals that accumulate in your body [13]
The Supplement Industry's Dirty Little Secret

[http://news.newsmax.com/images/46087/tobacco3.jpg]You can find CoQ10 
supplements virtually everywhere. And most people, unfortunately, are tricked 
into thinking all CoQ10 is the same. But there's a dirty little secret that 
they won't tell you on the label. All of the research supporting the benefits 
of CoQ10 have been conducted with natural CoQ10. But most supplements are made 
with synthesized CoQ10. Worse yet, guess where it is synthesized from - believe 
it or not, tobacco leaves are the primary source!

You'd be surprised, but 100% natural CoQ10 is usually no more expensive then 
synthetic CoQ10 - you just need to know how to look for it.
How to "Read Between the Lines"

Discount brands, such as those found in drugstores or big box retailers, do a 
great job hiding the source of their CoQ10. But here's a fool proof "cheat 
sheet" that will help guide you. Look for the words "trans-form" on the label. 
Trans-form CoQ10 is identical to the CoQ10 produced naturally within the body, 
and if you read all of studies on CoQ10 like I have, you'll notice every single 
researcher in the world worth his or her salt only uses trans-form CoQ10.

Also check to see if the CoQ10 is made using yeast fermentation, which yields 
the most effective form.

Finally, make sure it says "Made in the USA" right on the bottle. Who needs 
CoQ10 bottled overseas in facilities of questionable integrity? It's just not 
worth the risk.
Fuel Your Heart with What It Needs and
Your Whole Body Will Reap the Benefits

[http://news.newsmax.com/images/46087/max2-d.jpg]I invite you to shop around 
and do your research, but I'd like you to consider my superior CoQ10 formula 
 My company, Stop Aging Now, has been proudly making premium grade supplements 
since 1995, and MAX-Q10 is one of our bestselling formulas.

I take MAX-Q10 every single day without fail. Here's why you should do the same:

 *   MAX-Q10 is made in the USA with highly bioavailable trans-form CoQ10 that 
is cultivated and produced in Texas under the strictest quality control 
 *   The CoQ10 found in MAX-Q10 is bio-identical to that produced naturally 
within the body and has up to 5 times greater absorption than other varieties.
 *   MAX-Q10 is made using the superior yeast-fermentation method, which 
provides the most effective form and is what top researchers use when 
conducting their studies.
 *   Contains 200 mg of pure CoQ10. Choose between daily doses of 1 softgel, 2 
veggie caps or 2 orange flavor chewables.
 *   Only MAX-Q10 comes with an "any reason" 365-day guarantee. That's right - 
take it for up to one year, and return it for a full refund if you don't like 
 *   Guess what? 
 costs as low as $14.99 per bottle - which is the same or even less than those 
discount, low quality brands. Plus it ships to you for free and is tax free.
If You Have a Lingering Health Problem That Your Doctor Can't Seemingly Solve, 
This Could Be You!

I get letters everyday about the amazing benefits of MAX-Q10. Here are just a 
few of my favorites:

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- More power to anyone who can hitch himself to NASA's planetary program for money to build toys. (Why does that sound familiar?) But descending into a lava tube would not be a good way to investigate Martian geology, because all you get to see is the inside of one lava flow or so. If you want to see a cross section of Martain history, you need somewhere there is stratigraphy, like a canyon or crater wall. -- Mixon
Forgive your enemies . . . after they are hanged.
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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

This - sadly - is saying that Meander has decided not to try and resume
the manufacturing of their PVC suits. (I think some of their
manufacturing equipment burned down earlier?)


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Meander PVC - combi
List-Post: texascavers@texascavers.com
Date:   Tue, 28 Aug 2012 19:07:35 +0200
From:   netopyr <neto...@arbenz.ch>
To:     speleo Liste suisse Liste spel�o <speleo...@speleo.ch>

Liebe Freunde,

nun ist es definitiv so weit :  Das Meander PVC Kombi ist Geschichte.
Eine Alternative ist nicht in Sicht. (Allerdings hat es noch einzelne
St�cke am Lager, so ziemlich die letzten.)

Hier die offizielle Mitteilung, die heute per e-mail kam

I am so sorry to inform you, that we finally decided to end production
of CRIOU PVC coveralls.
The _main_ reason is the old, always problematic technology in welding
With my best regards,  Gustav

Chers Amis,
�a y est - les combis PVC de Meander ne sont plus fabriqu�s. Pour
l'instant il n'y a pas d'alternative. (Par contre il en a encore
quelgues pi�ces en stock - plus ou moins les derniers)

ici le m�ssage officiel, re�u aujourd'hui par e-mail:

I am so sorry to inform you, that we finally decided to end production
of CRIOU PVC coveralls.
The _main_ reason is the old, always problematic technology in welding
With my best regards,  Gustav

beste Gr�sse, Thomas
meilleur saluts, Thomas

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

Does anyone know of a good replacement? Mine has patches on top of patches (quite literally!). I found one that I'll be able to borrow from a friend who rarely uses it, but I would like to find a replacement for mine.

- Fofo

On 28/08/12 17:24, David Ochel wrote:

This - sadly - is saying that Meander has decided not to try and resume
the manufacturing of their PVC suits. (I think some of their
manufacturing equipment burned down earlier?)


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Meander PVC - combi
Date:   Tue, 28 Aug 2012 19:07:35 +0200
From:   netopyr <neto...@arbenz.ch>
To:     speleo Liste suisse Liste spel�o <speleo...@speleo.ch>

Liebe Freunde,

nun ist es definitiv so weit :  Das Meander PVC Kombi ist Geschichte.
Eine Alternative ist nicht in Sicht. (Allerdings hat es noch einzelne
St�cke am Lager, so ziemlich die letzten.)

Hier die offizielle Mitteilung, die heute per e-mail kam

I am so sorry to inform you, that we finally decided to end production
of CRIOU PVC coveralls.
The _main_ reason is the old, always problematic technology in welding
With my best regards,  Gustav

Chers Amis,
�a y est - les combis PVC de Meander ne sont plus fabriqu�s. Pour
l'instant il n'y a pas d'alternative. (Par contre il en a encore
quelgues pi�ces en stock - plus ou moins les derniers)

ici le m�ssage officiel, re�u aujourd'hui par e-mail:

I am so sorry to inform you, that we finally decided to end production
of CRIOU PVC coveralls.
The _main_ reason is the old, always problematic technology in welding
With my best regards,  Gustav

beste Gr�sse, Thomas
meilleur saluts, Thomas

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- I bought a spare Meander PVC suit a couple of years ago as soon as I heard they were to be discontinued. As I understand it, the main reason for their disappearance is a general European ban on PVC for environmental/health reasons. In any event, I do not know of a suitable alternative. :-(


At 08:29 PM 8/28/2012, Fofo wrote:

Does anyone know of a good replacement? Mine has patches on top of patches (quite literally!). I found one that I'll be able to borrow from a friend who rarely uses it, but I would like to find a replacement for mine.

- Fofo

On 28/08/12 17:24, David Ochel wrote:

This - sadly - is saying that Meander has decided not to try and resume
the manufacturing of their PVC suits. (I think some of their
manufacturing equipment burned down earlier?)


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Meander PVC - combi
Date:   Tue, 28 Aug 2012 19:07:35 +0200
From:   netopyr <neto...@arbenz.ch>
To:     speleo Liste suisse Liste speléo <speleo...@speleo.ch>

Liebe Freunde,

nun ist es definitiv so weit :  Das Meander PVC Kombi ist Geschichte.
Eine Alternative ist nicht in Sicht. (Allerdings hat es noch einzelne
Stücke am Lager, so ziemlich die letzten.)

Hier die offizielle Mitteilung, die heute per e-mail kam

I am so sorry to inform you, that we finally decided to end production
of CRIOU PVC coveralls.
The _main_ reason is the old, always problematic technology in welding
With my best regards,  Gustav

Chers Amis,
ça y est - les combis PVC de Meander ne sont plus fabriqués. Pour
l'instant il n'y a pas d'alternative. (Par contre il en a encore
quelgues pièces en stock - plus ou moins les derniers)

ici le méssage officiel, reçu aujourd'hui par e-mail:

I am so sorry to inform you, that we finally decided to end production
of CRIOU PVC coveralls.
The _main_ reason is the old, always problematic technology in welding
With my best regards,  Gustav

Please reply to mmin...@caver.net
Permanent email address is mmin...@illinoisalumni.org

--- End Message ---

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