What do I have to do to get involved? I would love to help out in any way.

Joe miller


Austin TX


On Aug 23, 2012, at 10:29 AM, Charles Goldsmith <wo...@justfamily.org> wrote:

> Sorry to compete against Marvin’s Government Canyon trip, but I
> Yesterday I received the OK from the Honeycreek property owner to have
> a trip October 6-7.  There are several objectives including surveying
> a few of the other caves on the property.  Two are fairly small, and
> the other is a series of fairly tight pits, with a lead that was
> blasted in the 80’s but no one has been back to check it out.
> Andy Glusencamp is also heading up a study of the Biology on the
> property.  He’s putting together teams to do collections in several
> caves on the property.  Contact Andy if you want to help out with that
> project.
> Honeycreek cave will also be open to those wishing to do survey trips,
> through trips, or other recreational trips.  Trips to the spring
> entrance will be restricted until Andy finishes his work in that area.
> Camping will be available Friday and Saturday nights.
> Kurt
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