The Rockeaters in New York had only two rules.

Rule 1)  Anyone who wanted to could  be president.

Rule 2) Kill the president.

It cut down on speleo-politics.


On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Mallory Mayeux <> wrote:

> Greetings, Texas cavers!
> The Houston grotto is in the process of updating it's constitution (which
> hasn't been touched since 1972) and I wanted to get some insight from other
> parts of the Texas caving community.
> How many officers does your grotto have? What are their titles/roles? Do
> you have separate "trip chairs" or does the chairman typically announce
> what's going on each month? Who decides how to spend your money...does the
> club as a whole vote on expenditures, or do the officers decide alone?
> Also, in a perfect world, what would you change about the structure of
> your club? (Especially changes that will facilitate more involvement and
> actual caving.)
> I know every grotto has a different situation, depending on how much
> actual caving you have going on in an average week/month, and how much
> money you have in your grotto bank account. Likely some things that work
> well in say, Austin wouldn't work well at all in Houston, and vice versa.
> And that's OK. :)  My hope is that this email stirs up some interesting
> discussion and gives us some ideas for our update!
> Thanks!
> Mallory Mayeux
> GHG Secretary

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