You can ship them to Zara, there is always someone here to receive packages. 
Address is on our website.


> From: Mixon Bill <>
>To: Sprouse Terri <>; Atkinson Jerry 
><>; Reddell James <>; 
>Goldsmith Charles <>; Mixon Bill 
><>; Pugliese Mike <>; Arens Katie 
><>; Ralph Ron <>; Russell Bill 
><>; Minton Mark <>; Sprouse Peter 
><>; Garza Ernie <>; Kennedy Jim 
><>; Broussard Don <> 
>Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 1:10 PM
>Subject: receiving new bulletin shipment
>I am about ready to send bulletin 23, Heart of Earth: Studies in Maya Ritual 
>Cave Use, edited by James Brady, to the printer. As he did with bulletin 20, 
>Brady is going to pay the entire printing cost out of his grants. I will have 
>100 copies shipped directly to him and order 50 copies for the AMCS. This is 
>the same as we did for bulletin 20.
>I may be away on vacation for a week during the period when the book is likely 
>to be delivered from the printer via UPS (week or so after after TCR). I could 
>delay the AMCS part of the order, but that increases the cost somewhat because 
>of quantity discount. May I have the AMCS part of the order shipped to one of 
>you, perhaps at work? It will be two or more heavy boxes, so someone who has 
>to walk a long way to his car might not be interested. If so, reply with the 
>shipping address. -- Mixon
>Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
>You may "reply" to the address this message
>came from, but for long-term use, save:
>AMCS: or

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