More old news.  The Chytrid (Bd) epidemic began in the mid-80's and has 
decimated frogs populations worldwide.  We have chytrid here and, yes, it has 
been documented in many species other than frogs.  It seems to be practically 
ubiquitous among Eurycea salamander populations but is asymptomatic.  That is 
probably due to the fact that chytrid is primarily a skin infection that starts 
with keratinized tissues (claws, fingernails).  That is bad news for most frogs 
since they have tadpoles with keratinized mouthparts.  Their little mouths rot 
off!  It gets worse when they undergo metamorphosis since there is a wholesale 
turnover from the larval immune system to the adult immune system.  This 
presents metamorphs with a greater risk of infection.  
Our Eurycea salamanders seem to dodge the bullet becuase they don't have 
keratinized mouthparts or toe tips and don't undergo metamorphosis.  All bets 
are off, however when an individual is highly stressed (i.e. due to crappy 
water quality).

This is just another reason why everyone should practice universal field 
hygiene (wash your gear!). 

Andrew G. Gluesenkamp, Ph.D.

700 Billie Brooks Drive

Driftwood, Texas 78619

(512) 799-1095

--- On Wed, 5/30/12, Bob Cowell <> wrote:

From: Bob Cowell <>
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Where have these folks been for the last five years?
To: "Louise Power" <>, "Texas Cavers" 
Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2012, 9:05 AM

I was watching nat.geo or animal planet the other night concerning  several 
species of frogs that  in at least one species was going exstinct. All of them 
from a type of fungus. They were concerned  about it jumping species.

Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide

----- Reply message -----
From: "Louise Power" <>
Date: Tue, May 29, 2012 4:00 pm
Subject: [Texascavers] Where have these folks been for the last five years?
To: "Texas Cavers" <>

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