I use a google translate, hope you understand!!!
Dear Speakers and workshop. - I am grateful for the time spent by the desire to participate, the quality of their papers, that you shared with us all. Opening a forum for specialists not only from caves aquatic could share the results of their research and experiences with the audience of Quintana Roo, opened an interesting forum for the formation of new groups, new projects, new regulations, invitations to expeditions, forums and national and international conferences, of course, was achieved awakening an awareness of conservation specialists, students, guides, owners of caves and sinkholes, addition to teachers and cavers. For all these reasons, I ask you at this time fresh ideas that continue to share with sponsors the result of their work. One of the purposes when they apply for the sponsorship was to share the results of the work in the caves. In this way contribute to our presence have weight to them and leave the door open for any other work I beg you send me that information to integrate it into a report that I must deliver before returning to my state, so we have until June 5. Would be kind enough to share with me their results. Moni -- LCC. Monica Grissel Ponce Gonzalez Asociacion Coahuilense de Espeleologia, A.C. (fundadora) Assoziatione Italiana Geografiche Explorazioni La Venta (socia) Grupo Espeleologico Vaxakmen, A.C. (socia) Association for Mexican Cave Studies (colaboradora) Texas Speleological Association (Socia) Union Mexicana de Agrupaciones Espeleologicas (Socia) 045-844-1478311 cel. monicaponce1 by skype.