Couldnt be all the Monsanto GMO crops sprayed with Round-Up causing all this Round up on the crops that cover the US... Bugs eat the crops Bee's dying Bats eat the bugs Bats Dying Ozzy Ozborne eats bats Ozzy Dying Cavers to blame. 1+1=9
List-Post: Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 09:17:03 -0500 From: To:;; Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Northern Region Cave Closures That's because in the eyes of the center for biological diversity, we are the real disease. -- Sent from my HP TouchPad On May 24, 2012 3:02 PM, Mark Minton <> wrote: Apparently the northern region of the U. S. Forest service is considering a plan to close all caves on Forest Service lands in the northern Rockies of Montana and Idaho to protect against WNS, even before there is any evidence that it is a threat there. The plan could take effect this summer. Our nemesis the Center for Biological Diversity has a hand in this. Ex-Texas caver Mike McEachern is quoted in the article. < > Mark Please reply to Permanent email address is