Hi all!
        The time is getting near!   We are  looking forward to seeing old 
friends and meeting new friends on May 26th at Fort Stanton.    There is a 
couple of things I would like for you to know about the Saturday events.     
There will be two tours of Ft. Stanton State Monument , one at 10 am and 
another at 1pm.    You will need to be at the bunkhouse (if you need 
directions, e-mail me or Steve)  by those times to meet Mike Bilbo who is 
leading the tour.    At 4 - 5:30 pm  we will have a social hour at the 
bunkhouse where we will have light snacks and drinks and a slide show of people 
who have been here for many of the 50 years of the SWR.  At 5:30 we'll start 
heading over to the cafeteria at the Fort where dinner will be served at 6 pm.  
        During the social hour, you will be able to get your wrist bands (this 
shows you've registered) and get your T-shirts.    There will also be a 
donation jar for the snacks and drinks.   Remember also that the registration 
deadline is MAY 20th.   After that date, there will be no late registrations.
        For those interested in camping, there is plenty of space around the 
bunkhouse for everyone.  Camping is available on both Friday and Saturday 
evenings. The bunkhouse has restrooms and kitchen facilities as well.  On 
Sunday morning at 10:30 am at the bunkhouse, Mike Bilbo will lead a tour to see 
some very special rock art, for those interested.

Kathy Peerman

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