
I thought people might be interested in this fund raiser since many cavers from 
Texas have caved in New Mexico and at Carlsbad Caverns N.P. For those of you 
who don’t know Peter, he is a long time caver who lives in Maine and one of the 
organizers of the Maine convention which was held in his hometown of Camden. 
Peter is also an outstanding cave photographer. He and his brother Dave have 
been actively caving in the Guads since the 60’s and very active in Lech 
project caving. He has donated countless hours to the CCNP.  If you’ll be out 
that way during Easter, you may want to stop by and see Petar and well as 
donate to the cause. Since Texas Cavers doesn’t accept attachments, email Peter 
directly if you would like a donation form.


From: Peter Jones []
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 7:15 AM
To: Peter Jones
Subject: A fundraising project by Peter Jones

Greetings:  You are receiving this e-mail because you're on my e-mail address 
list.  I hope you will take a few minutes to read through it as this is my own 
personal project that I hope will be a success.  You probably know that my two 
passions in life are pottery and cave exploration/photography.  I am now 
planning on combining those interests together in a fundraising benefit for 
Carlsbad Caverns National Park (CACA NP).  Although Carlsbad is a National Park 
and receives its basic operating and infrastructure expenses from the federal 
government, there are many projects they undertake which receive no funding 
from the Fed.  They depend on raising that income through The Carlsbad Cavern 
Guadalupe Mountains Association (CCGMA), the private, nonprofit fundraising 
organization that operates The Bookstore within the Park's Visitors Center.  As 
a nonprofit organization, they can solicit and raise funds from private 
individuals, corporations and various endowments.  As you will read in the 
general article attached below, the past few years have been extremely tight 
for CCGMA due to various circumstances such as construction at the Park and 
upgrading of the elevator system that brings people into and out of the cave.  
As a result, many projects normally funded by CCGMA have been put on extended 
hold until the situation improves.

As a person who loves that Park and the caves of the Guadalupe Mountains in 
general, I am doing a four day pottery demonstration and fundraiser in the 
Visitors Center of the Park over Easter Weekend.  All the work I produce during 
those four days will be fired at a local kiln in New Mexico and then donated to 
The Bookstore for later sale with 100% of the income going to CCGMA and 
ultimately the Park projects.  In addition, I am creating a series of Carlsbad 
Caverns National Park mugs which are "Thank You!" gifts for making a donation 
of $25 or more to the Park.  It is my hope that this will be a successful 
venture as all the costs of doing this event come out of my pocket and there is 
ZERO expense to the Park or CCGMA.  It is my hope that many thousands of 
dollars will go directly to the Park as a result of this venture and support 
the various projects that the Park tries to provide.

I know that very few, if any, of you will be there at the Park for this event, 
but please consider making a donation to the Park by filling out the donation 
form listed below.  As you can see, all checks and donations go directly to 
CCGMA.  Some of you may remember The Grand Mug-a-Thon from 1986 in which I 
threw 1,000 coffee mugs in 24 hours as a fundraiser for the Maine Children's 
Cancer Program.  While this is not the same type of venture, it was the success 
of that event over 25 years ago that made me think of a similar project for and 
at Carlsbad Caverns National Park.

Thank you for your consideration and I hope you will at least wish me well on 
this undertaking.  It may go down in history as Peter's Great Folly, but I 
won't know until I try.  Thank you for your support.

Peter Jones

Artisan For the Park

A Fundraising Project for the Benefit


Carlsbad Caverns National Park

On Easter weekend, April 6 - 9, 2012, Carlsbad Caverns National Park will host 
a fundraising event to benefit park projects. Caver/potter/cave photographer 
Peter Jones will present a four day “Artisan for the Park” demonstration on 
behalf of the Carlsbad Caverns Guadalupe Mountains Association (CCGMA), the 
private, non-profit fundraising organization for Carlsbad Caverns and Guadalupe 
Mountains National Parks. In the lobby of the park’s Visitor Center, Peter will 
set up his potters wheel and display stand to give demonstrations and talks 
about his pottery career, caving in Carlsbad Cavern, Lechuguilla Cave 
exploration, his cave photography for the Park and the fundraising that is 
necessary to support the Park’s many underfunded projects. All pottery produced 
over that four day period will be glazed and fired in a local pottery kiln and 
donated to CCGMA for sale in their Bookstore, profits of which will support 
park projects.  In addition to the pottery made during the project being later 
available at the Bookstore, pre-made mugs with a Carlsbad Cavern design element 
stamped into the mugs will be available during the event as a “thank you” for 
donations of $25 or more made to CCGMA. For those who can’t attend the event, 
you will find more information below on how to contribute and receive a mug in 


The national parks of the United States are among our finest treasures and 
Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico is a jewel in the crown of our 
national park system. Any caver would instantly recognize that name as the home 
of the finest caves in the world such as Carlsbad Cavern and Lechuguilla Cave, 
among many others.  Close to a million visitors come to Carlsbad every year to 
see its hidden wonders.

Our national parks preserve unique places of beauty and interest for posterity, 
study, education and enjoyment by visitors to the parks.  In addition to 
operating and maintaining the parks, the National Park Service provides 
educational materials, opportunities for more in-depth experiences and youth 
outreach programs.  As often happens, there are more projects and programs that 
support the park’s goals than funds available for them. To fund special 
programs and cover costs beyond basic operating expenses, national parks 
partner with private, non-profit organizations, like CCGMA, which can apply for 
grants, appeal to corporate and private donors and operate concessions within 
the park that generate income. These privately generated funds go toward a 
variety of worthwhile projects. For instance, to further the educational goals 
of the park, CCGMA has paid for printing guides, brochures and Junior Ranger 
booklets, stipends for Student Conservation Association interns, quality 
photographs of park resources for park publications and website, and honoraria 
for guest speakers.

Park managers have identified several targets for this “Artisan for the Park” 
event. To cavers and others interested in nature and outdoor activities, it may 
seem incredible that many young people today know very little about our 
national parks, to say nothing of having visited one. Reaching today’s young 
people is a major goal of the NPS to put them in touch with their heritage and 
get them interested in active pursuits.  To meet this need, using special 
grants and federal funds, Carlsbad Caverns National Park has been offering 
ParKids day camps for children ages 7-12, every summer for several years. The 
park is expanding this successful program to include older children aged 13-15 
and will include educational caving trips and hikes as well as learning about 
park management and the need to preserve these special places for future 
generations. The biggest need is funding to cover transportation costs for up 
to 24 young people for the week-long program.


In 2007, a construction project took place at Carlsbad Caverns resulting in a 
major overhaul of the Park’s Visitors Center. The interior of the building was 
gutted, leaving only the exterior shell in which to rebuild and upgrade the 
infrastructure to current day standards. During that reconstruction, many of 
the park operations, including the Bookstore, had to be moved into temporary 
trailers in the parking lot outside of the main building.  This move resulted 
in a significant decrease in sales.  Another renovation project on the park’s 
elevator system has also impacted CCGMA Bookstore sales for more than a year 
because of rerouting visitors away from the Bookstore.  These two projects 
alone have caused a significant drop in the number of projects that CCGMA has 
been able to finance in recent history.

When the building reopened in October 2008, the changes were immediately 
evident, presenting park visitors with spectacular new displays, educational 
exhibits and the stunning Cavern Arts Project. Based on the discovery of early 
photographs taken in the park by Ansel Adams, the Cavern Arts Project exhibits 
work by past and present artists in all disciplines, alongside those of Adams’, 
on a rotating basis.

Several of these new exhibits that we all take for granted when visiting the 
park were funded in part by CCGMA. As such, the Artisan for the Park project is 
a way to help bring in much needed funding by direct participation and 
interaction between the artist and Park visitors.


For those who would like to participate, but can’t be at Carlsbad Caverns over 
the Easter weekend, you can download a pdf form from the internet by going to 
the following website address: . There you will find 
more information about the project and a printable form for making donations to 
CCGMA. A mailing label will be attached to the form that you must fill out to 
receive your mug by Priority Mail. Please note that there is an additional 
$8.00 charge to cover the costs of mailing and packaging material. Mail in the 
form with your check (made out directly to “Carlsbad Caverns Guadalupe 
Mountains Association”) or credit card number and send it to the address listed 
on the label.  Alternately, you may call in you credit card donation directly 
to CCGMA at 575-785-2484.  Your mug and a thank you letter with receipt for 
your donation will be sent to you as soon as the mugs are finished. Please note 
that all the funds you donate go directly to CCGMA and only the cost of 
shipping is applied to cover shipping expenses. Please note that donations of 
ALL sizes are more than welcome, but a minimum of $25 is required for each mug 
you request in return. Realize too that you will have the eternal gratitude of 
Carlsbad Caverns National Park for any donations you make on their behalf.

Peter Jones (NSS 11412 FE) has been caving since 1968 and throwing pots full 
time since 1971. He was Co-Chairman of the 2002 NSS Convention in Camden, Maine 
where he lives. Those of you who have been to NSS Conventions or OTR or will 
recognize him and his work as a regular on Vendors Row at those events. He is 
also a cave photographer and the purveyor of Firefly Slaves for Cave 
Photography as Shot in the Dark Cave Photography. He has photographed 
extensively for Carlsbad Caverns National Park, teaches cave photography 
workshops and has been caving in the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico for 43 

The Carlsbad Caverns Guadalupe Mountains Association is managed by “T.K.” 
Kajiki and is a private, non-profit organization. In addition to funding 
various projects at Carlsbad Caverns and Guadalupe Mountains National Parks, 
they operate three Bookstores at the two parks and in the Administrative Office 
in the city of Carlsbad. For more information about their organization, go to 
their website at:<>/  .

Thank you in advance for your support of Carlsbad Caverns National Park through 
this Artisan for the Park project.


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