After tracking down the complete survey notes, here is the anxiously
awaited trip report from the Punkin Cave survey over Easter weekend...

Punkin Cave Survey, Easter Weekend, April 6-8, 2012

Friday: Don Arburn worked on the cabin porch roof and other cabin
improvement projects. Ellie Watson, Jen Foote, Phil Thommes, and
Garrett Jorgensen started the day with a familiarization trip into
Deep Cave. Maya Ye Liu, Matt Zappitello, and Saj Zappitello arrived
on-site early afternoon. Matt rigged both drops into Punkin, and Phil
and Garrett tested the ropes. Turns were taken conquering (or
almost-conquering) the alternate entrance (very tight squeeze) into
Deep Cave. Then Matt, Saj, and Maya embarked on a familiarization trip
into Deep Cave, accompanied by Ellie, Jen, Phil, and Garrett for more
familiarization. Geary Schindel, Sue Schindel, and Jacqui Thomas
arrived on Friday evening. Some folks watched a movie while other
folks were serenaded by tuba practice.

Saturday: Matt was designated trip leader en absentia due to his utter
excitement about caving in general and this trip in particular. He
dutifully organized teams and assigned leads with assistance from
Ellie. Don and Maya journeyed into Davey Jones Locker and re-surveyed
35.95 meters with 13 shots. Ellie and Geary surveyed 29.89 meters with
9 shots in Sleepy Hollow. Saj, Matt, and Jacqui went back to Saj’s
exciting lead in Superstition Maze and surveyed 68.87 meters with 24
shots. Garrett, Phil, and Jen surveyed 32.67 meters with 14 shots in
Sleep Hollow including squeezing through a very tight lead… someone
may have temporarily lost their pants. Sue enjoyed the day top-side as
surface support and camp guard. Considerably more ramen was consumed
than usual on this trip without our fearless leader and chef
extraordinaire, Crash Kennedy.

Sunday: Matt successfully learned how to use the family size coffee
pot. Everyone packed up, cleaned up, and headed home.

A total of 167.38 meters were surveyed over the weekend. According to
Crash’s calculations: this gives Punkin Cave a new total of 4345.34
meters of surveyed passages, making it the 339th longest cave survey
in the US, and still the 10th longest in Texas. Punkin is now only 109
meters from passing See My Shovel Cave again for 9th place, 205 meters
from passing Cave Without a Name for 8th place, and 669 meters from
passing Longhorn Cavern for 7th place. Yeehaw!

~Saj Zappitello

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