Michael, I'd like an XXL White and a cap please.

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Michael Cicherski <coastalca...@me.com>wrote:

> Just a quick update.
> The t-shirts will be sold for $15.00 and the hats will be sold for $5.00.
> If you have not taken advantage of this promotional shirt and cap please
> do so as soon as possible. They are moving fast!
> Michael
> On Oct 29, 2011, at 6:54 PM, Michael Cicherski wrote:
> > Evening Cavers,
> >
> > This afternoon I picked up a huge box from the USPS office that was
> shipped from the Czech Republic. The box contains 50 t-shirts of varying
> size and 20 baseball-type caps that advertise the 16th International
> Congress of Speleology. (yeah, I said 16th, not 15th ICS).
> >
> > The shirts are white or black and come in XXL, XL , L or Medium. They
> appear to be of the highest quality in material and screening, and I think
> they would be a wonderful addition to anyone's caving t-shirt collection.
>  On the front of the shirts and the cap is the logo for the Congress. Go to
> their website if you wish to get an idea of the design.
> >
> > I do not yet have a price on the inventory, but as soon as I do I will
> provide that information to everyone. First come, first sold - and no, I
> have not figured out how we will distribute the items to you. You can
> consider this a bit of a tease and as details become available I will
> update via Cave Tex. If we do not sell out via Cave Tex I will send a
> similar note to other forums.
> >
> > Stay tuned and Happy Caving,
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Michael

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