Here'sd the latest I/O (Internal Organization) report from NSS Board Member Keith Wheeland:

There are two items in this copy of the IO INFO.
1) IO Annual Reports due during month of January 2011
2)Gift suggestion from Dawn Ryan, Chair, Membership Committee

>>>>>1) IO Annual Reports due during month of January 2011

Each NSS IO (Grotto, Region, Section, Survey) is required to submit an IO Annual Report. The report for 2010 is due during the month of January 2011. You will need your IO serial number and password. The serial number is available at the IO Your IO should have written down the password and stored it in the paper folder for the IO. For your convenience, I will accept reports starting immediately after you receive this email. If you do not have the Serial Number and Password, please contact me or if that bounces

Just log in to and check and correct the data, then click on Submit. If your IO has been keeping the online record up to date throughout the year as it should, it will be just a matter of clicking on Submit. But be sure to check the information before you click.

1.*Please double check the email addresses that you provide.* Many bounce right after you submit them to me, so I know not everyone checks the email addresses.

2.*Please make sure that your officers and board members are paid-up members of the NSS.* You can check them by clicking Search on the NSS home page, then click Member Search on the subsequent page. You will need to enter your NSS number and zip code to log in. NSS membership is required for all your officers and board members that are listed in your Constitution and bylaws. If they are not paid up, please resolve the issue before submitting the report.

3. Please use upper and lower case. I know it is easier for you to use upper case, but in this case it is not warranted.

4. Remember to update the online record throughout the year as changes occur in your IO.

5. Please do your best, remember that I must process all 250 of the reports. If you follow instructions it makes my job easier.

6. After I process the report, I manually update the list on the IO website at so you can check to see if I processed the report.

7. Remember that you have the entire month of January to submit the report. If you submit and you have changes afterward, just make the changes, and resubmit.

Questions and comments can be directed to me at I'm here to help.

Keith Wheeland, Chair NSS IO Committee 814-238-2057

>>>>>2)Gift suggestion from Dawn Ryan, Chair, Membership Committee

Cavers are shivering around pit entrances and snowflakes are swirling as bats hibernate – it is again the time of year to decide what you will get that lucky caver or speleo enthusiast in your life or perhaps even a little something for yourself!Trying to buy something for a caver who already owns three Sten lights?Perhaps your caver significant other has so much polypro he or she could outfit a small militia?A wonderful idea for a unique present that also helps conserve your favorite resources is a gift membership to the National Speleological Society.Funds from memberships go to a myriad of different uses, including helping to fund critical research into White Nose Syndrome (WNS) and to purchase and conserve cave properties across the United States.Mom, dad, cousins, children and grandpa already signed up as full NSS members?Another great gift idea would be a gift donation to your recipient’s favorite NSS exploration or conservation fund through “Stash the Cash”.Available donation opportunities include the cave acquisition fund, the cave rescue training fund, WNS funding, and many others.A large perk for you, the gift giver, is the ease of purchase – all these wonderful options are available online – just point, click, and be done with all your Christmas shopping on one website!That translates into more time underground – and less time in shopping malls.For more information on these as well as the variety of options for gift memberships, please see <>.

If you have questions contact <>

Dawn Ryan, Chair Membership Committee


Keith D. Wheeland, NSS 2878
NSS Board Member and Chair of NSS IO Committee
2191 Mt. View Ave.
State College, PA 16801-7214
814-238-2057 (Use this forwarding address in your address book)
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