Note: this mailing now adds the Texas and Arizona folks. I request these states further publicize the event by appropriate means to inform potential attendees....thanks. Additionally, the event will appear in the next several NSS News calendars. Please see the SWR website at for additional information. You will receive this monthly reminder through the beginning of May.

Current news...

A work weekend, prior to the March regional, is being planned to disassemble the balcony railing and perhaps begin some initial restoration. More info will be posted via the website and this list when dates are determined.

The T-shirt logo is now posted on the SWR website.

The after dinner speaker will, instead, be three folks who were instrumental in establishing the region:
Ells Rolfs
Harvey DuChene
Lee Skinner

The Dinner will be BBQ.

The region will be performing a volunteer project for the Fort Stanton Monument at the Spring Regional, March 24-25, 2012. We will be renovating a balcony railing on an historic fort building so that we may use the on-site cafeteria at no charge for the 50th event. Please plan on attending so we can accomplish this project quickly and efficiently.

Monthly reminder...

SWR 50th Anniversary

IMPORTANT DATES (note: calls for submissions relate to SWR organizations only)

Apr 1, 2012, Deadline to submit general grotto information for past 25
years to Linda Starr,

Apr 1, 2012, Deadline to submit memorializations for deceased SWR
members (all years) to Linda Starr,

Apr 1, 2012, Deadline to submit summaries from past chairmen, project
leaders, Tularosa convention, SWR/NSS awards (personal & group) to Linda

May 26, 2012, SWR 50th anniversary celebration, Fort Stanton Cave

SWR mailing list

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