

I would like to thank the 11 volunteers who came out yesterday to help clear
brush and pick-up trash at the Texas Cave Management Association Lost Oasis
cave preserve in South Austin. Your efforts removed a great deal of the
thick brush, briers and small trees inside the chain link compound. You also
mostly completed the 25-foot firebreak on the south side against the
neighbor's wooden fence. A special thanks to Galen, Jim, Vico and Gill whose
chain saws shredded much of the vegetation. The crew also mowed the grass
flanking the front sidewalk and removed a lot of the encroaching vegetation
overgrowing the sidewalk. And two body bag sized trash containers were
filled with paper, plastic and other gifts of the neighboring community. 


We will do this again in the spring to finish clearing the compound and
selectively clearing and removing lower branches on surrounding trees, so
stand by for another call for volunteers. And I hope those who went caving
enjoyed the TCMA preserve.


Ron Ralph

Lost Oasis preserve manager


Thanks to Robert Albach, Benjamin Nocholas Yasui, Denise Prendergast, Logan
McNatt. Galen Falgout. Vico Jones, Jim Kennedy, Ryan Monjaros, Devra Heyer,
Gill Ediger, and Bob Marshall.


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