Good Morning all,

The 2011TSA Financials are available on the TSA web site for your review. To 
access the information you have to be a member of the TSA and registered on the 
TSA site. Many thanks to Butch Fralia for uploading the information and to Ron 
Ralph for suggesting the posting of the information. 

The very short summary:

Our assets at the beginning of 2011totaled $8,775.06. This amount includes the 
operating and savings account. We ended the year with assets of $8,424,32.

Our income for the year totaled $6,131.79 and our expenses were $6,540.76 - a 
difference of -$408.97. 

I've recommended that we immediately cut the pay of all Officers in half, and 
the Presidential Limo will need to be parked until we recoup the losses from 


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