In response to the missing person report, the Sleaze has just arrived  back 
in the States more dead than alive after 36 hours in transit. The following 
 was posted a few days ago on TAGnet in response to a similar query as to 
why I  disappeared.
I caught hemorrhagic dengue in central Laos. It manifested shortly after I  
got to Thailand while I was camping in a horrible hellhole that was once  
paradise named Railay. My only regret was that I didn't kill the Thai rasta 
who  insisted on playing techno music at
midnight deep in the jungle while I lay  shivering in my sweat soaked tent. 
I fled to Krabi and spent the next 13 daze in  and out of the hospital. It 
was horrible, intense bone breaking pain at all  times, crushing headaches, 
and ten hour cycles of hyperspazmodic shivering  followed by spikes of 104 
plus. There was no let up. My blood platelet count was  so low that my 
wonderful Muslim doctor was afraid I would bleed out like an  ebola victim. Ann 
(my personal angel!) was afraid I would go into shock and have  a heart attack 
or alternatively get encephalitis and become a permanent  vegetable. After 
I made a slight improvement we headed to Khao Sok so I could at  least die 
in paradise. I did manage to take a few hikes but was prostrate most  of the 
time. While there a freshwater puffer fish tried to bite my toe off. I am  
now in Bangkok and am still feverish and exhausted but will head home 
tomorrow.  While in Thailand no snakes were caught, no caves were explored, and 
only the  most minimal jungle was explored. The rest of the time I was laying 
flat, just  like I intend to do in the next five minutes. I contented myself 
with watching  the flying lizards in Khao Sok and feeding body parts to the 
fish and blood to  the leeches. At least I had some fine adventures in Laos 
where I visited many  caves, caught one snake, and explored some virgin  


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