Kel and I will not be able to get to Midland for the meeting.

Please nominate people for President, Vice President, Treasurer (and Secretary if you all think we need one). We will be voting at the November meeting so need to have the nominations in with enough time to print and distribute ballots.

TCR is this weekend.

We have an ESS trip Saturday October 29th. We can stay Friday and Saturday nights. It's a grotto Hallowe'en Party of sorts, so get the Hallowe'en ideas out and plan to have some fun.

We are on for a Five Mouth Cave dig the weekend of November 12th. Depending on what we find, this could be the last time we're at the Fields Ranch. Item for discussion--since it's Veterans Day weekend and some may have an extra day off, do we want to dig only Saturday or add a day?

We can camp, and Sonora's Game Dinner is Saturday night. Don't know how much it costs but it's pretty good food.

The next Meeting--Election Meeting--will be November 8th, the Tuesday before the dig.

Have a good meeting--sorry I can't be there. Eat a cheesecake for me. Jacqui

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