Howdy y’all,

Just a reminder that TCR is just around the corner at Flat Creek Ranch near 
Johnson City.  Find directions at 

Because of the Burn Ban, there will be NO ground fires. This rule will be 
strictly enforced. You can use propane stoves but not charcoal.  We suggest 
that every car have at least one dry chemical fire extinguisher. We luckily got 
rain over the weekend and that helped but there is still a danger of wildfires.

The Bexar Grotto is not doing a Fish Fry on Friday night so, if you depended on 
that for supper, you need to make other plans. The Big Feed is on Saturday 
night.  Please bring your own plate and utensils.  Bring a mug for liquid 
refreshments.  Sunday morning, starting around 7:30, TCMA will be hosting a 
fundraising breakfast.  Bring your own plate and utensils and a coffee cup.  
Breakfast has a suggested donation of $5 which goes to the TCMA Cave 
Acquisition Fund.

There will be the usual contests going on on Saturday. Bring your vertical gear 
for the climbing contest and a helmet for the Speleolympics. Come prepared to 
take part in the survey contest and possibly win a set of survey instruments!

The Terminal Syphons will be playing on Saturday night after the awards and 
door prizes.  We already have over $1000 worth of prizes to give away!

Sunday morning at 8 AM, the TSA will have a Members Meeting followed at 9 AM by 
the TCMA’s Members Meeting.

There will be vendors on hand on Saturday and some will be around on Sunday 

Come prepared to have fun!  The weather looks great with a high in the mid 80s 
and lows in the mid 50s!

See y’all there!

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