

The workshop at the Texas Speleological Survey office was a success and will
be repeated hopefully this next spring. Below is a report produced by
instructor Leslie Bell.


The TSS Survey Mapping Workshop was held on Saturday, September 24, 2011
from 10:30AM to 5:30PM.  

Jim Kennedy and Leslie Bell taught the workshop, and Rod Goke and
Christopher Francke helped with the setup and IT support. The digital
projector used during the workshop was provided by Jim Kennedy. 


The workshop had three attendees: 

Rick Corbell from San Antonio, TX 

Gary Franklin from Austin, TX 

Karen Masters from Austin, TX 


The first half of the workshop covered scanning paper maps and taking them
into GIMP to clean up the scanned maps. GIMP is a free software raster
graphics editor. Corresponding actions in Adobe Photoshop (a popular but
more expensive raster graphics editor) were also shown to the attendees. As
all of the TSS computers have been set up with GIMP, each of the three
attendees used the information given to them to clean up scanned Williamson
County maps.  

The workshop then broke for lunch at Pho Hoang. 

The second half of the workshop covered entering survey data into WALLS,
exporting a line plot from WALLS and then taking that line plot and creating
an official profile or plan map using Inkscape, a free software vector
graphics editor. 


Although there were only a few attendees, each of those attendees did get to
learn valuable information that they can use in the future and will now have
the tools in their arsenal to draft their own maps and submit them to the
TSS. Jim Kennedy and Leslie Bell both agree the workshop was a general
success and would like to see more workshops in the future. 


Although there were no donations given, attendees did pay for their own
lunches at Pho Hoang. 


Tutorials for GIMP and WALLS were drafted for the workshop and future
workshops will be able to include and build on these tutorials. 

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