I am only implying that Facebook is being overlooked by many as a
valuable source,
and tool.

I also only meant that cavers outside the loop of things or that don't
live on the east coast, would not
have known about what took place had people not posted their
experience on Facebook - especially
new and young cavers.

I was not trying to imply that Facebook is the best way to serve the
caving community.   It obviously
does not work at all for the old-timers.

There is a lot of caving related stuff going on on Facebook that can't
be talked about publicly.
Call it secret caving if you want, but there is more to it than that.
  Even though these virtual friendships
are different from traditional friendships, there is a positive impact
going on that is related to caving.

I have seen some very good international interaction on Google Plus
that otherwise would have
never taken place.

I would not be surprised to learn that dozens of Texas cavers were
unaware that the TAG Fall Cave-In
just occurred or what took place.     The post was mainly meant for
new cavers in Texas who have
never heard of the TAG Fall Cave-in, and I should have noted that at
the top of the post.

I could spend more time trying to make my post more politically
correct, but I actually do other important things
in life besides live on the web.   I really do have a life, and I
don't need to get one.    Work has been just way too

****Still, nobody answered the main question of the post.     What
happened there ?    Why would Texas Cavers want
to mark it on their calendar for next year ?    Did caving go on
during this festival ?    etc, etc.*****

On a semi-related note ( but in NO way directed at Mr. Minton ),

Recently, there has been some negative activity in the caving
community.    One grotto banned me from their Facebook
page.    Another banned me very rudely from their list-serve.    And
there has been some vague public discussion
encouraging me to leave CaveTex.    The e-mails I get privately are
even more negative, if not down right hateful.
Some are just sarcastic humor, so I can't get too worked up.

Many of you publicly supported me, so there is no reason to go into that again.

Few cavers would have persevered under such scrutiny.     But I have
been married for 11 years, so I am used to being
tar-and-feathered.      I know quite a few cavers that left the
organized caving community because of this kind of stuff,
and that they are still actively but very quietly caving.      I am
not ready to throw in the towel just yet.

David Locklear

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