Colony of Mexican Free-Tailed bats gaining a following on River Walk
Holy Folding Chairs! Bat watching at the river.

By Patricia Portales 
Published: July 6, 2011
At dusk under the I-35 bridge at Camden Street a small crowd lingers. They bob 
their heads between wristwatches and cell phones and something above not yet 
visible. Passersby stop to ask, "What's everyone looking at?"
Soon a cloud of Mexican free-tailed bats are streaming from beneath the bridge, 
the façade of the San Antonio Museum of Art fading in the twilight. The bats 
are coming out to feed. "A colony of approximately 10,000 Mexican free-tailed 
bats visit this bridge every year," says Matthew Driffill, an education 
specialist with the San Antonio River Authority, pleased with the growing 
interest. "Nature is everywhere, even underneath I-35, one of the busiest 
highways in San Antonio."
For the second summer in a row, Driffill and Matt Reidy, a biologist with Texas 
Parks and Wildlife, are coordinating bat tours - though the colony typically 
arrives from Mexico in March and doesn't fly out until October. The pair 
educates the public about the benefits of bats and works to dispel any 
lingering myths about the often-misunderstood creatures. For instance, rabies 
in bats is exaggerated, found about as frequently as it is in dogs, according 
to John Gramieri, mammal curator at the San Antonio Zoo. "But if you find a bat 
on the ground, its health is probably compromised. You don't want to interact 
with it," he said.
The talks drew about 300 in July of 2010, but the pair expects larger crowds 
this summer as activity on the Museum Reach of the River Walk increases and 
word spreads about the colony. They caution, however, that the bats aren't on 
their payroll and don't always emerge 5-15 minutes before sunset as is their 
usual schedule. "Biologists have theories about the conditions under which bats 
emerge," says Susan Kwasniak, a spokesperson for Austin-based Bat Conservation 
International (BCI), an organization of biologists and educators who research 
the flying mammals' role in the environment. "It's dependent on the amount of 
insects in an area. If there is a drought, the bats may emerge earlier to allow 
more time to find food. If it rains, they may come out later because rain is 
conducive to insects and it's easier for them to find food. Also, as it gets 
darker, the bats are safer from predators like hawks."
Bats fly up to 50 miles in search of insects, mostly cotton bullworm and corn 
earworm moths, a service the BCI estimates saves Texas cotton farmers $1.7 
million a year by reducing the amount of pesticides needed. Texas is home to 
the world's largest known urban bat colony (the Congress Bridge in Austin with 
1.5 million bats) and the largest rural colony (Bracken Cave in southern Comal 
County, with 20 million bats).
Yes. The world.
Mexican free-tailed bats adjust easily to human-engineered environments, and 
TxDOT's highway expansion joints beneath I-35 and the Congress Street Bridge 
are just the right size to provide shelter while protecting the bats from 
predators, according to Kwasniak. And armed with knowledge of their economic 
contribution to the state, the agency is now actively choosing bridge designs 
that can double as bat roosts and nurseries.
Historically, bat colonies in bridges atop the San Antonio River were removed 
to prevent exposing people - not to mention Rio San Antonio cruise and dinner 
barges - from falling guano, Driffill said. However, the colony under the I-35 
bridge over Camden is advantageous for all. "We have a great situation at this 
bridge. The I-beam structure is above the waterway. The bats, however, live on 
the other side in the expansion joint. All the guano then is in an area well 
removed from the river," he said. *
The San Antonio River Authority will host bat talks on the Museum Reach at 
Camden and Newell Streets on July 12 and 26 at 8pm, and Aug 9 and 23 at 7:30pm. 
Call (210) 302-3222 for more information.
> Email Patricia Portales <> 

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Group uses weather tool to study bats
20 years worth of archived data from radars
Updated: Thursday, 07 Jul 2011, 1:01 PM EDT
Published : Thursday, 07 Jul 2011, 12:57 PM EDT
Natalie Stoll 

UVALDE COUNTY, Texas (KXAN) - Meteorologists use Doppler weather radars to 
detect and track storms, but there's a wealth of data that's cast aside too.
Biological scatter, like migrating birds and feeding bats, also show up on 
radar but are normally filtered out. Yet, a group of scientists is developing 
ways to use that information.
"We're already investing a lot of money in these radars," said Dr. Phillip 
Chilson with the University of Oklahoma <>  . 
"Every radar costs about $10 million. Maintenance for every radar installation 
is about $500,000 a year, and there's something like 150 of these scattered 
across the continental United States. That's a lot of cash. They're serving a 
great benefit from the meteorological perspective, but if you can get value 
added serving this data out for free to the biological community, then I think 
that's a win."
In late June, the newest rapid-scan, high-resolution, polarimetric, mobile 
Doppler radar parked eight miles from the mouth of Frio Cave in Uvalde County. 
It was the mobile radar's first full deployment.
Instead of tornadic storms, it was tracking the flight patterns of millions of 
Brazilian free-tailed bats, emerging from Frio Cave at dusk.
"Now, we're really focusing on taking a census of how many bats we think are 
coming out of Frio Cave. And if we can do that reliably, we can compare that 
with NEXRAD, and then a whole new world opens up for us," said Chilson.
Just like a Doppler radar can estimate how much rain is in a rain cloud, the 
scientists hope to use the same idea to count the number of bats in a bat cloud.
"The farmers in this area, not everyone realizes it, but the bats are their 
friends," said Chilson. "The more bats, the healthier the colonies are, the 
less pesticides they have to use."
The project has no fancy acronym; Chilson calls it "Stone Soup" science, after 
the children's fable. The funds come from University of Oklahoma's College of 
Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences <>  . National Science 
Foundation <>  funded the mobile radar, and the scientists 
come from across the country and bring their expertise for a common goal.
Dr. Tom Kunz, with Boston University's Bat Lab <>  
, is using this thermal imaging camera to count the bats as they fly out into 
the night. Kunz coined the term "areoecology" as an emerging scientific field. 
Areoecology is the study of biology in the lower atmosphere, where radar 
provides a unique view of that environment. <>  
"We've always had to be on the forefront of technology to know what's going on 
with the bats because bats are difficult to study because they're flying around 
at night," said Dr. Winifred Frick with the University of California, Santa 
Cruz. "Having a tool like the radar, and different kinds of radar where we can 
really see the bats and the way they're using the landscape, is pretty 

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