[If I missed anything by all means post it to the list]

PBSS Meeting September 13, 2011

The meeting was opened at precisely 1900 (7 p.m. for the 12-hour people)

In attendance: Tony Abernathy, Bill Bentley, Walter Feaster, Koyle Knape, Kel Thomas, Jacqui Thomas (report)

Announcements: After determining that the following would not ruin the movie "Contagion" for anyone, it was announced that Bat Conservation International has released a statement regarding the slanderous (or is it libelous, when it's a movie?) treatment of bats in the movie.

Also, reminders regarding both the Fort Stanton Project week September 24th-October 2nd, and TCR the weekend of October 15th.

We had a Treasurer's report, and the Treasurer, Bill Bentley, informed everyone that he will not accept a nomination for treasurer for 2012, going so far as to say, "And if elected, I will not serve."

Bringing us to the Election of Officers: We will be electing officers at our December meeting. Nominations will be accepted at the November meeting. Please nominate people for: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

President runs meetings and, in absence of a Secretary, keeps meeting notes. Vice President runs meetings in the President's absence, and could be in charge of programs if we chose to have regular programs. Secretary keeps notes or minutes writes letters, thank yous, and sends cards as (rarely) needed. Treasurer keeps track of our money and membership and Bill has a set up that makes the job fairly simple.

Reports were given on the August Amazing Maze trip and the Labor Day weekend Comanche Springs sensor installation/survey trip.

Brought up for discussion: We have no "members only benefits" and we have a long list of former members. We decided to leave things the way they are but Bill will add a paragraph to the remailer messages stating how to become a member of PBSS.

Upcoming Trips and Adventures: TCR the weekend of October 15th. ESS Cave the weekend of October 29th. Hallowe'en Party included.

Five Mouth Cave dig either November 13th or 20th, depending on the landowner's preference.

Permian Basin Outing Club (PBOC) trip to Amazing Maze September 2012

The meeting was closed at 1948.

See you at TCR! Jacqui

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