If you have no intentions of every using Facebook, please do not read
any further.

I am almost willing to admit that Facebook has been a distraction from caving.

A few cavers have been experimenting with the new Timeline version of
Facebook that
will supposedly roll out October 4th.

What is interesting to cavers about this feature, is that you can
chronologically organize
every muddy passage you have every crawled down, every foot of survey
you have ever done,
and everyone you ever went caving with.

You click on a "+" symbol on the top right of the screen and you get a
menu to add the date
and description of the memory, and attach photos related to that memory.

For example, you would say.     "1986 - made the connection to Li
Nita"   and attach
any interesting story that you wanted to, "afterwards we celebrated by
having a beer
with the rancher." or whatever happened.   ( I am guessing the year of that )

Sith Zuckerberg is betting that the teenagers and college students are
going to embrace this idea.      I think
my parent's generation will think it is a total waste of time.
They will say, "who wants to read someone
else's diary ?  or that is creepy having people that you barely know,
that they know so much about you, and
you spend too much time on-line as it is, etc."

After playing with Timeline for about 2 hours, I can say it is the
best diary-like program that I have seen, but
what is unique ( or some might claim, remarkable ) is the way they
integrated it into Facebook.

David Locklear

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