The current Gregorian calendar ends December 31st 2011...  But we'll just
print a new one for 2012.  I presume the Aztecs got tired of carving new
stone calendars every solar cycle, so they made an arbitrarily long one.

I think historians could argue that the 'end times' came for the Aztecs long
before 2012...


On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 11:53 AM, John.Schneider

>  I believe you are right that it is the Mayan calendar that ends Dec 21,
> 2012.  It DOES NOT however predict the "end of the world", but simply the
> end of a time or era.
> That calendar has 13,000 year cycle or times and the above date is simply
> the end of the most recent era.  Since this was either cycle 4 or 5 there is
> nothing in the calendar that excludes that 22 Dec 2012 is just being the
> beginning of a new era.
> John
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Rod Goke <>
> *To:* Texas Cavers <>
> *Sent:* Sunday, May 22, 2011 9:34 PM
> *Subject:* RE: [Texascavers] A warning from the future
> I'm not very familiar with the Aztec calendar, but if it ever contained
> an "end of the world" prediction, it probably had to be revised to record
> that happening August 13, 1521 (from their viewpoint, anyway, since that's
> when their capital, Tenochtitlan, finally fell to Cortes). I believe that it
> is the Mayan calendar that many people claim will end December 21, 2012,
> leading some to interpret this as a predicted "end of the world" date. Now,
> however, some people are claiming that this interpretation of the
> Mayan calendar is off by several weeks and that the real "end of the world"
> date will be November 6, 2012.
> . . .
> (election day)  ;-)
> Rod
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Louise Power
> Sent: May 22, 2011 7:28 PM
> To: Texas Cavers
> Subject: RE: [Texascavers] A warning from the future
> But wait, doesn't the end of the world come in 2012 (according to the Aztec
> calendar)? My friend Jo says yesterday was just supposed to be the rapture.
> She says the EOW comes in October. Who should I believe...the crazy old guy
> who got it wrong the first time; a defunct native group; or my best friend?
> OMG, it's just too much for my poor old brain to comprehend!
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