David, I'm afraid that Stefan was right when he said that it was unlikely that 
you would pay attention to his e-mail.  I happened to read your second e-mail 
(below) before I read Stefan's, and I was already shaking in my caving boots at 
the comment that "it only takes 20 seconds to create a Facebook group."  As a 
caver who happens to use and like Facebook, I pictured groups spawning like 
rabbits on every conceivable scientific, geographical, explorational, social, 
psyco-sexual, theological, ethical, literary, and so on topic in caves and 
caving (at least in Texas).  Each is endowed by it Creator with largely 
overlapping memberships of people many of whom are already friends in real life 
as well as on Facebook.  

Yes, I exaggerate. But what is the point of all these groups?  What are they 
good for - especially when something simple and that works is already in place? 
 Stephan's key point (I hope) was that the more that systems multiply and 
become more complex, the harder it potentially becomes to find the specific bit 
of information that you are looking for.  Or even to decide where to post 
something.  "Hmm... This is a dig project in a cave in the Edwards Aquifer.  
Where should I post an announcement?  Digs? Obviously. Hydrology? Probably? 
Trips? Certainly!"  With the result that the same bit of news gets announced 
multiply on all these lists and the list notification e-mails clog our 
mailboxes - until we change the settings to the point that we get no more 
notifications at all, and then nobody knowns what's happening after all.  


Roger Moore

-----Original Message-----
From: David <dlocklea...@gmail.com>
To: Cavers Texas <texascavers@texascavers.com>
Sent: Tue, May 24, 2011 1:01 pm
Subject: [Texascavers] experiment update

If you click on that link, you will see 17 groups related to common
CaveTex topics.

( You can only view the link below if you have a Facebook account. )


If a group interest you, then give it a try, by joining that group.

It takes about 20 seconds to create a group like these, so many more can
be quickly created.   It is easy to search Facebook for these groups if you
know what you are looking for.

Also, the link previously posted for Colorado Bend should have been:


David Locklear

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