For those commenting on the Fort Stanton plan, there's a few things of which you should be aware. If you already have submitted your comments, you may want to review and possibly amend them in light of the following:

Things to consider from a planning/NEPA perspective
Even though the draft plan has neatly parsed various actions and activities into separate alternatives, these actions/activities do not have to stay with a particular alternative. The agency looks at and evaluates a reasonable range of alternatives and then can select (much like making selections from a Chinese menu) activities and actions from any alternative and combine them into a final plan for the area. In fact activities do not have to be spelled out specifically, the plan can include them as long as they are within the range of activities considered in the NEPA document. An example might be sites for a new campground. If the draft plan considers 5 sites in one alternative, 10 in another alternative, and 25 in another alternative; the final plan could have any number from 5-25. Therefore, if there is a particular action or activity you feel is incompatible with the intent of the designation or contrary to conservation of the environment, say so. _Do not rely on the fact it is not in the preferred alternative_. When making comments, remember, you do not get a vote. You need to make substantive comments regarding concerns and objections. Have and state reasons for comments both good and bad that will cause a reconsideration of the proposal and sway agency opinion one way or another. Simply saying you don't like something is not helpful and will not get the attention you think is warranted.

Part of the reason these things are in the public venue is that agencies don't necessarily have a lock on articulating all or even the best avenues. They can, and do, overlook things or make bad proposals.

Remember, you will be living with for a long time whatever is the outcome of this process.
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