Hey Joe,

Was it getting a little lonely in the Comstock area?


From: Joe Ranzau [mailto:jran...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 9:53 AM
To: ellie :); texascavers@texascavers.com
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] T Minus One Week! - Saturday, April 2nd at Fort 
Clark Springs, Brackettville, TX

I'm already here!


On Mar 29, 2011, at 8:25 AM, "ellie :)" 
<ellie.tho...@gmail.com<mailto:ellie.tho...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Spot on Mark, thanks!

I will arrive to the Fort around noon and registration will start after 4pm. 
Vendors are welcome to come early to set up but no one better show up before I 

See yall soon!

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 9:35 AM, 

It's only ONE WEEK until the best spring caving convention in Texas!

The weather looks great! http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/USTX0145

The swimming hole looks excellent, the talks and food will be awesome, the 
location is spectacular, and the TCMA auction will be a hoot and hosted by the 
best looking game show host since Bob Barker, our own Jim "Crash" Kennedy, 
assisted by his bevy of caving beauties!

Just a few reminders, updates, and detritus from the weekend for y'all:

1.)     One new item has been added to the agenda for the riveting and always 
exciting TSA Spring Business Meeting (immediately after the talks Saturday at 

2011 Spring Business Meeting, Spring Convention at Fort Clark Springs, TX, 
Saturday, April 2nd, 2011, Texas Speleological Association


*       Welcome and Introductions

*       Chairman's Report

*       Vice Chairman's Report

*       Secretary's Report  - Minutes of 2011 Winter Business Meeting held at 
the TSS Offices on the UT Campus, Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

*       Treasurers Report

*       TSA Projects - Jim Kennedy

*       Gov't Canyon - Marvin Miller

*       Colorado Bend State Park  - Crash

*       Longhorn Cavern Project (On hold - TPWD Approval) - Mark Alman

*       Inner Space Caverns Project (Starting in September) - Gerry Geletzke & 
Mark Alman

*       Hill Country State Natural Area & Devils River - Rob Bissett and Joe 

*       Future Project Ideas

*       Standing Committee Reports

o       TSA Website - Butch Fralia

o       Membership Chair - Ryan Monjaras

o       Conservation Committee - Open and Jim Kennedy (WNS Update)

o       Safety and Techniques - David Ochel

o       Publications - Mark Alman

*       The TEXAS CAVER and status of online access to back issues.

o       TSA Store - Lee Jay Graves

*       Old Business

o       The 100th trip of the Government Canyon Karst Survey Celebration, 
Saturday, March 5th

*       New Business

o       TSA Brochure

o       Membership Drive

o       Membership Directory Constitution Change (New Item)

o       The Constitution states:

The Treasurer prepares a budget for the fiscal year, maintains the membership 
database, and insures the database is available electronically to the 

The key word is "electronically". And it later states:

The Membership Committee shall consist of the Database Manager, the TSA 

the TSA Treasurer, a representative of the Publications Committee, and other 
appointed members.

b. The committee will develop data to be made available to TSA officers, 
committees, member

organizations, affiliated organizations, and members for conducting caving 

The committee insures the membership database is published annually and is not 
made available to the general public.

These two statements seem conflicting and publishing a Members Directory is a 
small expense in the large scheme of things but, nevertheless, still a waste of 

The TSA Board of Officers is recommending that the red line above be deleted 
from the Constitution and the Members Directory be made available 
electronically in the Members Area of the TSA webpage.

*       Announcements?

*       End of Meeting (Let's eat!)

2.)     The Kickapoo Caverns trips will be Sunday, April 3rd.

Please meet at the gate to Kickapoo State Park at 10 AM and, after the TCMA 
meeting, at 11 AM.

Cost is the standard TPWD entry fee of $3 per adult (12 YO and older). Kids can 
cave for free. Fee will be waived if you have a Gold Passport. Must furnish #.

The main room and Wishing Well areas will be open for visitation. The Helectite 
Room and Graffiti Room are off limits, as is Stuart Bat Cave.

We will be collecting the fee at Registration and you must sign a waiver form 
for you and yours there, as well.

Do not miss this opportunity to visit one of the state's largest and most 
impressive caves (one of my favorites!) and behold the grandest and most 
photographed set of columns in the state!

This is very easily accessible cave and is an excellent one for cavers, young, 
old, new, and armchair!

3.)     From Ellie:

TSA Spring Convention is almost here! You are invited to join the Texas 
Speleological Society and fellow Texas cavers for a relaxing weekend in the 
unique oasis and National Register Historic District of Fort Clark Springs. The 
TSA, founded in 1956, has been bringing Texas cavers together for over 50 
years. Meet fellow cavers and project leaders from around the state. This is a 
great chance to get involved with ongoing projects and create future caving 
opportunities for all.

Registration has increased slightly to $15 per person plus $5 per person per 
night camping (kids camp free). Family rate is $45.

On Saturday, April 2nd, you can fill your day with informative presentations 
from cavers about developments in cave sciences, project updates, national and 
international exploration, and much more. Roger Moore and Mallory Mayeux have 
done an amazing job at lining up presenters that will delight all audiences. 
The presentations will be held at the Service Center which accommodates 300 
people and has AC, bathrooms, and a kitchen. Participate in the Photo & Map 
Salon by entering your latest and greatest works for all to enjoy.

Stay for the evening group meal provided by Stefan and the Caver Cooking Crew. 
After the meal, Map and Photo Salon winners and prizes will be announced and 
then everyone will have a chance to participate in the TCMA auction. Shiner 
will be providing adult beverages.

And just for the kids.... an Easter Egg Hunt first thing on Sunday morning!

Spend the weekend lazing with friends in the lush Rendezvous Park campground 
right next to the crystal clear, on million gallon spring-fed pool. The 
campground is shaded, private, hugs the creek and is just a few steps from the 
pool, Service Center, and motels. The pool area has bathrooms, showers, and 
potable water Well behaved pets are welcome at the campground. There is a motel 
on site. Please make your own reservations at the Fort Clark Springs website-

Hope to see you there!

Ellie Watson
TSA Vice Chair

TSA Spring Convention site: http://cavetexas.org/events/TSASC/tsasc2010.html
Fort Clark Springs site:
For Facebook users: 

Info at: http://www.cavetexas.org/events/TSASC/tsasc2011.html

4.)     List o' Speakers

Hello Cavers!

The TSA Convention is sneaking up on us quick--two weeks! I can't wait to see 
everyone in Brackettville!

Roger Moore and I have been lining up Saturday's speakers. We are going for a 
mix of entertaining and informative talks, and I think we have some great 
presentations in store. We've gotten some requests to announce who will be 
speaking, so without further ado, here are the speakers for TSA (times AND 
order of talks TBA)

David Ochel-O9 Well: Re-survey and exploration efforts

Jacqui Thomas-Five Mouth Project: More than a Dig

FoFo Gonzales-Caves of Mineral King, CA

Peter Drushcke--Discovery, gating and work at Kypet Cavern, Grand Canyon

Charles Perkins-Bats and Microclimate Monitoring of Gorman Cave, Colorado Bend 

Jean Krejca/Geoffrey Hoese-Caving in the Galapagos Islands

John Moses-Cave Hunting in West Texas

Dwight Deal-Wulong Karst World Heritage Site, China

Ron Ralph-50th Anniversary of the TSS AND Announcement of a new Project

Bill Steele-Caving non-fiction poetry AND DFW Grotto Project to map Spring 
Creek Cave, Kendall Co.

And possibly a last minute surprise. :)

Any questions/requests, let us know (we have a light schedule so if there is 
something you'd really like to present, let me know--we could accommodate one 
more speaker. Otherwise, we will have additional time for questions, breaks, 

See you all in two weeks!

-Mallory Mayeux & Roger Moore

5.)     Gear adjustment and safety workshop

Howdy all you Texas vertical cavers,

Becky Jones and David Ochel will be hosting this excellent workshop at the 
Spring Convention.

Saturday, 5 - 7 pm

This is for everybody who owns vertical gear.

Do you feel you are lacking efficiency when climbing on rope? Do you have basic 
knowledge on how to get up and down a rope, but you never learned (or have 
forgotten) about basic safety protocols and precautions? Do you have particular 
questions about aspects of single rope technique or pieces of your vertical kit?

This will be a loosely structured workshop, based on participants' needs and 
interest. The objective is to review whatever questions you might have, with 
the goal of improving the overall safety awareness and competency of Texas' 
vertical caving community. Bring your own gear - we will aim to have ropes set 
up for gear adjustment and review of techniques, but this is *not* an 
introduction to vertical caving for those who have never been on rope. (Ask 
your local Grotto for such training opportunities.)

6.)     Vendors and TCMA Auction

Cavers, don't forget that the usual vendors (Texas Speleological Survey, Texas 
Speleological Association, and Association for Mexican Cave Studies) will be 
set up just outside the Service Center at Fort Clark in a week-and-a-half for 
the fabulous TSA Spring Convention!  Bring cash or checks!  And as a preview, 
the TSS will have a new edition of the Map CD ready just for this event!  There 
are 144 new maps added since the last edition (released in July 2009 for the 
ICS in Kerrville), and 1379 total maps.  It's still only $10!!!  Of course, 
there are lots of other great publications on Texas caves that will be for 
sale.  To check 'em out in advance, and see the prices, go to the TSS website 
and look at the list at 

Jim "Crash" Kennedy

TSS Office Manager

P.S. -.  There will also be some real surprises and excitement at the Saturday 
evening TCMA Auction, so be sure to attend!  It's going to be a real hoot!

If you have any last minute items to donate, BRING IT!

7.)     Last and, certainly, not least - FOOD!

Stefan and The CCC (Caver Cooking Crew) are presenting this most excellent 
offering of the Official State  Food of Texas (c):

BBQ Brisket, BBQ Pork

Smoked chicken and sausage gumbo (coz Mallory missed it last time)

Rice & vegetable salad

Potato salad

BBQ fixin's

Dessert (?).

I'll need help beforehand and on the day, can I get some volunteers?

Also, can anyone give me a ride out there in a more suitable vehicle, the RX-8 
isn't really up to it.



This will be the last announcement from me (About d*** time, Mark!) and the TSA 
hopes to see you there in just ONE week!

See ya then!


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