It's only a few days until the best spring caving convention in Texas!



The weather looks great!


The swimming hole looks excellent, the talks and food will be awesome,
the location is spectacular, and the TCMA auction will be a hoot and
hosted by the best looking game show host since Bob Barker, our own Jim
"Crash" Kennedy, assisted by his bevy of caving beauties!


A couple of important notes are listed at the end of this email.



Here is the revised agenda for the riveting and always exciting TSA
Spring Business Meeting (immediately after the talks Saturday at ~4:40:






2011 Spring Business Meeting, Spring Convention at Fort Clark Springs,
TX, Saturday, April 2nd, 2011, Texas Speleological Association





*       Welcome and Introductions 


*       Chairman's Report 


*       Vice Chairman's Report 


*         Secretary's Report  - Minutes of 2011 Winter Business Meeting
held at the TSS Offices on the UT Campus, Sunday, January 23rd, 2011


*       Treasurers Report 


*         TSA Projects - Jim Kennedy 

                *       Gov't Canyon - Marvin Miller
                *       Colorado Bend State Park  - Crash
                *       Longhorn Cavern Project (On hold - TPWD
Approval) - Mark Alman
                *       Inner Space Caverns Project (Starting in
September) - Gerry Geletzke & Mark Alman
                *       Hill Country State Natural Area & Devils River -
Rob Bissett and Joe Ranzau
                *       Future Project Ideas 


*       Standing Committee Reports 


        *       TSA Website - Butch Fralia 
        *       Membership Chair - Ryan Monjaras
        *       Conservation Committee - Open and Jim Kennedy (WNS
        *       Safety and Techniques - David Ochel 
        *       Publications - Mark Alman 

                *       The TEXAS CAVER and status of online access to
back issues.

        *       TSA Store - Lee Jay Graves


*       Old Business 

        *       The 100th trip of the Government Canyon Karst Survey
Celebration, Saturday, March 5th

*       New Business

o   TSA Brochure 

o   Membership Drive 

o   Membership Directory Constitution Change 


o   The Constitution states:



The Treasurer prepares a budget for the fiscal year, maintains the
membership database, and insures the database is available
electronically to the membership.



The key word is "electronically". And it later states:



The Membership Committee shall consist of the Database Manager, the TSA

the TSA Treasurer, a representative of the Publications Committee, and
other appointed members.

b. The committee will develop data to be made available to TSA officers,
committees, member

organizations, affiliated organizations, and members for conducting
caving business. 


The committee insures the membership database is published annually and
is not made available to the general public.



These two statements seem conflicting and publishing a Members Directory
is a small expense in the large scheme of things but, nevertheless,
still a waste of money.


The TSA Board of Officers is recommending that the red line above be
deleted from the Constitution and the Members Directory be made
available electronically in the Members Area of the TSA webpage.

o   New Item - 50th Anniversary Issue of The TEXAS CAVER - As you
may/may not be aware, the 50th anniversary of the creation of the TSA
was in 2005. Carl Kunath & Jerry Atkinson have just now completed this
newsletter and have made a motion that the TSA expend a significant
amount of its operating budget ($1200 to $1500. See Treasurers report)
to mail this newsletter to all 2005 members of record.  The Publications
Committee and TSA Officers have already weighed in on this issue and are
against this expenditure and have offered other alternatives.

The TSA would like to present their position on this issue and to
solicit Members positions on this and all issues before conducting a


*       Announcements?



*       End of Meeting (Let's eat!)




A few important notes to remember:


*         You must be a paid up TSA member in order to vote on any above
issue. All are invited to attend.

*         Your comments at the meeting are welcome but, as a reminder, I
think it best we have this discussion in a public forum and not begin an
online flame war, which benefits no one. In other words, no spouting off
on CaveTex.

*         All comments will be made in a civil and respectful manner,
dealing with the issue at hand, one at a time and recognized by the
Chairman. Those that cannot behave in a polite fashion and abide by
these Rules of Order will be asked to leave.

*         And, most importantly, Diana Tomchick has volunteered her
services and blenders in order to provide Happy Hour Meeting Margaritas
to all interested in partaking. Make mine a double, Diana!




Please remember that the unofficial slogan of the TSA is that we are all
in this cave together and the TSA values your opinions, participation,
support, and attendance at this meeting, in particular, and at making it
out to the Convention!



See ya then!










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