texascavers Digest 30 Mar 2011 16:10:34 -0000 Issue 1280

Topics (messages 17483 through 17489):

AMCS sales at TSA
        17483 by: Mixon Bill

Re: NSS Convention abstracts due April 15th
        17484 by: Mark Minton

New freshwater shrimp species discovered at Great Basin National Park :
        17485 by: JerryAtkin.aol.com

Revised TSA Business Meeting Agenda - Saturday, April 2nd at Fort Clark 
Springs,  Brackettville, TX
        17486 by: Mark.Alman.L-3com.com

        17487 by: Ron Ralph
        17489 by: tbsamsel.verizon.net

Re: TCMA Members Meeting at TSA Convention
        17488 by: Allan Cobb


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--- Begin Message --- The Association for Mexican Cave Studies will be selling some of its most recent publications, as well as a couple of other recent books, during breaks on Saturday at the TSA Convention. The things that will be available are listed below. If you want anything else in the AMCS catalog of publications at www.amcs-pubs.org, e-mail sales@amcs- pubs.org before noon on Friday, and I'll bring it for you. (A 2-page summary catalog is at http://www.amcs-pubs.org/finance/pricelist.pdf.) Cash or checks only; no plastic.

AMCS Activities Newsletter 32 (2009) $14 (hardbound $24)

AMCS Activities Newsletter 33 (2010) $10 (hardbound $20)

AMCS Bulletin 20 "Exploring Highland Maya Ritual Cave Use: Archaeology and Ethnography in Huehuetenango, Guatemala," edited by James Brady (2009) $8

AMCS Bulletin 21 "Karst Hydrogeology and Speleogenesis of Sistema Zacatón," by Marcus Gary (2010) $14

AMCS Reprint 10 "Cave Papers of Frederico Bonet" (2009) $12

AMCS Reprint 11 "Mexican Field Trip Guidebooks from the 15th ICS" (2010) $10

Death Coral Caver #14 (2009) $5 (magazine of Proyecto Espeleológico Purificación)

"Huautla, the Mexican Cave," video DVD by Jay Arnold $5

"Huautla: Thirty Years in One of the World's Deepest Caves," by Bill Steele (2009) $23

"From Forests to Deserts: A Journey in the Caves of Mexico," from the La Venta group in Italy (2009) $32

--Bill Mixon, AMCS sales
Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.
You may "reply" to the address this message
came from, but for long-term use, save:
Personal: bmi...@alumni.uchicago.edu
AMCS: edi...@amcs-pubs.org or sa...@amcs-pubs.org

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- I am soliciting speakers for the International Exploration session of the 2011 NSS Convention. If anyone would like to present a talk on their exploration in Mexico or elsewhere, please contact me as soon as possible. There are only a couple of weeks left! Thanks!

Mark Minton

At 11:08 AM 3/29/2011, Louise Hose wrote:

Abstracts for the paper sessions at the NSS Convention (including U.S. and
International Exploration) are due to the session convener by April 15th.
This is a hard deadline due to the contract with the publisher of the
convention program. For more information on formatting abstracts, please
review the guidelines at: http://nss2011.com/daytime-activities/sessions/.
Unfortunately, the specific session conveners' list has not made it onto the
website. I hope that happens today. If in doubt, send your abstract to me
and I will forward it to the appropriate person. However, here is the list
(if it isn't too corrupted):

Archaeology     Joe Douglas     joe.doug...@volstate.edu
Biology Session Megan Porter    meganlin...@gmail.com
Cave Diving     Gene Melton/Forrest Wilson
Communications & Electronics    Dave Larson     delar...@aol.com
Conservation and Management     Val Werker      we...@windstream.net
Congress of Grottos     Carol Jackson   ole...@gmail.com
Digging Kathy Peerman   speleob...@comcast.net
Future Convention Planning      Carol Tiderman  cti...@ymail.com
Geology and Geography (and Paleontology)        Paul Burger
Human Sciences  Jennifer Neemann        dr_...@comcast.net
International Exploration       Mark Minton/Yvonne Droms
Lightening Talks        Jim Washington  jwas...@vt.edu
Medical Section Steve Mosberg   cave...@suddenlink.net
NCKMS Steering Committee        Mike Warner     m...@speleobooks.com
NCRC Board      Anmar Mirza     anmar.mi...@gmail.com
NSS Finance Forum       Debra Young     suzyo...@bellsouth.net
Photography     Bob Stucklen    stuck...@att.net
Project Underground     Carol Zokaites  czoka...@vt.edu
Pseudokarst     Susan Holler    holle...@frontier.com
Salons  Cady Soukup     salonsch...@caves.org
Spelean History Bob Hoke/Dean Snyder    b...@rhoke.net
Survey & Cartography    Howard Kalnitz  hkaln...@fuse.net
U.S. Exploration        Mike Frazier    frazie...@msn.com
Vertical Session        Dick Mitchell   mitchellricha...@aol.com
Vertical Contest        Bill & Mariam Cuddington        mi...@bellsouth.net
Western Perspective on WNS      Rod Horrick/Carl Bern   cbe...@juno.com

Arts & Letters Session  Awaiting confirmation

Louise Hose
2011 NSS Convention Sessions, Meetings, and Workshop Coordinator

Please reply to mmin...@caver.net
Permanent email address is mmin...@illinoisalumni.org
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
New freshwater shrimp species discovered  at Great Basin National Park
    *   First Posted: March 29, 2011 - 7:30 am
Last Updated: March 29,  2011 - 7:30 am 

GREAT BASIN NATIONAL PARK, Utah — A new species of freshwater shrimp has  
been discovered in a cave at Great Basin National Park.
The Deseret News reports the White Pine amphipod was discovered at the 
bottom  of a deep cave in the park, which straddles the Utah-Nevada border. 
Also known as freshwater shrimp, the amphipod genus is eyeless, white and  
lives in underground waterways. 
The amphipod joins other species endemic to the caves of Great Basin 
National  Park, including rare millipedes and scorpions. 
Tod Williams, the park's acting superintendent, says the discovery supports 
 the need to protect fragile habitats to learn more about the species. 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

It's only a few days until the best spring caving convention in Texas!



The weather looks great! http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/USTX0145


The swimming hole looks excellent, the talks and food will be awesome,
the location is spectacular, and the TCMA auction will be a hoot and
hosted by the best looking game show host since Bob Barker, our own Jim
"Crash" Kennedy, assisted by his bevy of caving beauties!


A couple of important notes are listed at the end of this email.



Here is the revised agenda for the riveting and always exciting TSA
Spring Business Meeting (immediately after the talks Saturday at ~4:40:






2011 Spring Business Meeting, Spring Convention at Fort Clark Springs,
TX, Saturday, April 2nd, 2011, Texas Speleological Association





*       Welcome and Introductions 


*       Chairman's Report 


*       Vice Chairman's Report 


*         Secretary's Report  - Minutes of 2011 Winter Business Meeting
held at the TSS Offices on the UT Campus, Sunday, January 23rd, 2011


*       Treasurers Report 


*         TSA Projects - Jim Kennedy 

                *       Gov't Canyon - Marvin Miller
                *       Colorado Bend State Park  - Crash
                *       Longhorn Cavern Project (On hold - TPWD
Approval) - Mark Alman
                *       Inner Space Caverns Project (Starting in
September) - Gerry Geletzke & Mark Alman
                *       Hill Country State Natural Area & Devils River -
Rob Bissett and Joe Ranzau
                *       Future Project Ideas 


*       Standing Committee Reports 


        *       TSA Website - Butch Fralia 
        *       Membership Chair - Ryan Monjaras
        *       Conservation Committee - Open and Jim Kennedy (WNS
        *       Safety and Techniques - David Ochel 
        *       Publications - Mark Alman 

                *       The TEXAS CAVER and status of online access to
back issues.

        *       TSA Store - Lee Jay Graves


*       Old Business 

        *       The 100th trip of the Government Canyon Karst Survey
Celebration, Saturday, March 5th

*       New Business

o   TSA Brochure 

o   Membership Drive 

o   Membership Directory Constitution Change 


o   The Constitution states:



The Treasurer prepares a budget for the fiscal year, maintains the
membership database, and insures the database is available
electronically to the membership.



The key word is "electronically". And it later states:



The Membership Committee shall consist of the Database Manager, the TSA

the TSA Treasurer, a representative of the Publications Committee, and
other appointed members.

b. The committee will develop data to be made available to TSA officers,
committees, member

organizations, affiliated organizations, and members for conducting
caving business. 


The committee insures the membership database is published annually and
is not made available to the general public.



These two statements seem conflicting and publishing a Members Directory
is a small expense in the large scheme of things but, nevertheless,
still a waste of money.


The TSA Board of Officers is recommending that the red line above be
deleted from the Constitution and the Members Directory be made
available electronically in the Members Area of the TSA webpage.

o   New Item - 50th Anniversary Issue of The TEXAS CAVER - As you
may/may not be aware, the 50th anniversary of the creation of the TSA
was in 2005. Carl Kunath & Jerry Atkinson have just now completed this
newsletter and have made a motion that the TSA expend a significant
amount of its operating budget ($1200 to $1500. See Treasurers report)
to mail this newsletter to all 2005 members of record.  The Publications
Committee and TSA Officers have already weighed in on this issue and are
against this expenditure and have offered other alternatives.

The TSA would like to present their position on this issue and to
solicit Members positions on this and all issues before conducting a


*       Announcements?



*       End of Meeting (Let's eat!)




A few important notes to remember:


*         You must be a paid up TSA member in order to vote on any above
issue. All are invited to attend.

*         Your comments at the meeting are welcome but, as a reminder, I
think it best we have this discussion in a public forum and not begin an
online flame war, which benefits no one. In other words, no spouting off
on CaveTex.

*         All comments will be made in a civil and respectful manner,
dealing with the issue at hand, one at a time and recognized by the
Chairman. Those that cannot behave in a polite fashion and abide by
these Rules of Order will be asked to leave.

*         And, most importantly, Diana Tomchick has volunteered her
services and blenders in order to provide Happy Hour Meeting Margaritas
to all interested in partaking. Make mine a double, Diana!




Please remember that the unofficial slogan of the TSA is that we are all
in this cave together and the TSA values your opinions, participation,
support, and attendance at this meeting, in particular, and at making it
out to the Convention!



See ya then!










--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---


I will be collecting material from folks to place in the TSS, TSA and TCMA
archives during the Spring Convention. If you have notes, photos, maps, cave
data of any kink, official meeting notes from your previous job as an
officer in any Texas cave organization or just have stuff you want to go to
a good home, this is your chance to painlessly pass it on to the archives.


See you at Fort Clark springs.


Ron Ralph

Texas Speleological Survey

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- Shouldn't that be "Las Moras Springs"?

Mar 30, 2011 10:41:28 AM, ronra...@austin.rr.com wrote:



I will be collecting material from folks to place in the TSS, TSA and TCMA archives during the Spring Convention. If you have notes, photos, maps, cave data of any kink, official meeting notes from your previous job as an officer in any Texas cave organization or just have stuff you want to go to a good home, this is your chance to painlessly pass it on to the archives.


See you at Fort Clark springs.


Ron Ralph

Texas Speleological Survey

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi all,

Starting at 8 AM, the TCMA Fundraising Breakfast will start serving at the Service Center. Come get breakfast tacos and coffee to get your day started. Your donation helps TCMA buy caves!

The TCMA Members Meeting will be on Sunday morning at 9 AM in the Service Center. All members (and even nonmembers) are welcome to attend. This is your chance to find out what TCMA is up to and offer your input on the organization. One of the biggest things going on at the meeting is discussion and voting on the revised bylaws for the TCMA.

Please visit, http://tcmacaves.org/bylaws/ where you can see the current bylaws, the proposed bylaws presented at the last TCR which were voted down, and the bylaws revisions that will be discussed voted on next weekend. There is also a document that summarizes the changes between our current bylaws
and the new proposed bylaws.


--- End Message ---

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