Here is your monthly reminder to submit materials for the SWR 50th anniversary celebration to editor Linda Starr: <>


509 Aliso Dr NE
Albuquerque NM 87108

Southwestern Region Cavers!

The 50th anniversary of the Region will be observed at the regularly scheduled Memorial Day 2012 regional meeting, May 26-28, 2012. This will occur at Fort Stanton Cave, near Capitan NM.

Other details will follow as the date approaches, but this is your notice to submit information about what you and your grottos have done in the last 25 years.

Please submit your information as soon as possible, but not later than April 1, 2012.

Individuals and grottos that contributed to the 25th anniversary book have been sent extracts of those submissions for updating. Grottos that came into existence after 1987 will have to start at the beginning.

Here's a list of the kinds of things we'd like to have from you....

a) An accounting from each grotto of history and activities, and members (member lists by year are preferred) for the last 25 years, 1988 to 2012. However, if you start with 1987 we can cover any events of note in that year after the 25th anniversary book was created. Use the 25th anniversary format or newly create as you wish; just get us the info.

b) There is a perplexing omission from the 1987 book. Absolutely no mention of the 1986 Tularosa NSS Convention. Someone involved with running that event should prepare an account, please. Clearly a piece of SWR history that should not be overlooked even though outside our time frame.

c) Submissions from leaders of important events/projects. Each person having held a leadership role should contribute. At a minimum this would include the Fort Stanton Cave Study Project, High Guads Restoration Project, GypKaP, ElMap, Manhole, etc. You get the idea. If you led or were more than casually involved in managing any group functioning in the region, we want you to tell the story.

d) Submissions from EVERY regional chairperson serving in the last 25 years to highlight accomplishments, controversies and activities. A paragraph or two probably would suffice but send whatever you feel is important. To assist memory, those folks are...

1988          Mike Goar
1989-1990  Carol Belski
1991          Terry Bolger
1991-1992  Kathy Peerman
1993          Jeff Lory
1994          Anita Pape
1995-1996  Chris Lee
1997-1998  Stephen Fleming
1999-2000  John Lyles
2001-2002  Bob Rodgers
2003-2004  Jennifer Foote
2005-2006  Kenny Stabinsky
2007-2008  Allen Wright
2009-2010  Ken Harrington
2011          Aaron Stockton

e) If you held an NSS position, or received an NSS honor/award during this time, tell us about it.

f) If there is a category we failed to mention, tell us about it and submit something.

g) Photographs, maps, charts, graphs, drawings (all high resolution only, please, so we can resize as necessary) are welcome. Keep in mind the potential for a huge document to result and please be sparing but representative within this category. It's not meant to be a photo album but memorable documentation certainly should be submitted. All graphical media should indicate ownership for credit, and submission will constitute permission to reproduce/distribute for non-profit purposes. The 50th anniversary book will display an overall document copyright for the SWR and also note that individual copyrights are held by contributors who have given permission for non-profit, non-commercial reproduction/distribution.

h) All submissions must be digital and may be made in any graphical or word processing format commonly used on PCs (no Appleworks or Clarisworks files as they cannot easily be converted, presumed superiority notwithstanding). Word/OpenOffice documents and TIF/BMP images are preferred. If you have some enormous file that won't email, contact us and we'll figure it out.

i) This notice will be posted via the SWR listserver on or around the first of each month until March 2012. A condensed reminder will run in the next 5 Southwestern Cavers. That's it. Submissions received will be acknowledged so you know they didn't skip off into the ether.

You may ask questions of anyone on the 50th anniversary committee:
Carol Belski, <>
Mike Bilbo, <>
Stephen Fleming, <>
Kathy Peerman, <>
Wayne Walker, <>
Linda Starr, <> (editor)
Kevin Lorms, (food)

Send all submissions via email to <> or mail digital media to Linda Starr, 509 Aliso Dr NE, Albuquerque NM 87108.

Thank you.

Your 50^th anniversary committee.

SWR mailing list

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