Edwards Aquifer Philosophical Society -

aka brown bag luncheon
Thursday, April 7, 2011 at Noon
Edwards Aquifer Authority
Conference Room
1615 N. St. Mary's Street, San Antonio, TX

Mr. Peter Jones will be making a presentation titled: "A Lifetime of Caving in 
the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico."  Peter has won numerous awards for his 
cave photography and has had his photos exhibited across the U.S. including a 
traveling exhibit for the Smithsonian Museum.  Peter has had the rare 
opportunity to be in on the initial discovery and exploration of some of the 
largest and most beautiful caves in U.S.  Peter will be exhibiting photographs 
from some of the rarely visited portions of caves in Carlsbad Caverns National 
Park and Guadalupe Mountains.   The Guadalupe Mountains exhibit some of the 
same processes for cave and karst development which we believe is occurring in 
the Edwards Aquifer.

The presentation will be held on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at high noon in the 
conference room at the Edwards Aquifer Authority.  These are informal 
presentations so please feel free to bring your lunch.  For directions or 
further information, the Authority may be contacted at 210.222.2204 or 

If you are traveling a long distance to the talk, I would recommend that you 
call our receptionist that morning to make sure that the talk is still 
scheduled at the number below.  On very rare occasions, we have had to cancel 
or move the talk.  I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thank you.

Geary Schindel
Chief Technical Officer
Edwards Aquifer Authority

A Lifetime Caving in the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico

Peter Jones, from Camden, Maine, has been caving and photographing in the 
Guadalupe Mountains for 42 years.  Home to Carlsbad Cavern and Lechuguilla 
Cave, Peter has explored, discovered and photographed in these and many more of 
the hundreds of caves within that mountain range.  Learn about the history, 
geology and people who explore these incredible caves.
Peter may also have some of his wonderful pottery on display.


Peter Jones is a potter in Camden, Maine and cave photographer in many places.  
He is currently photographing for Cave Without a Name in Boerne, TX.  His work 
has been published worldwide.  Several of his prints hang alongside those of 
Ansel Adams in the Cavern Arts Project Gallery in the Carlsbad Caverns National 
Park Visitors Center  He has photographed for National Geographic Television 
and helped coordinate a NOVA filming project in Lechuguilla Cave.  In 2003, he 
spent three weeks photographing Carlsbad Cavern and several other caves within 
the Park for their Public Domain Photo Gallery.  He is currently photographing 
caves for the BLM and US Forest Service offices in Carlsbad, NM to document 
their caves.  He has taught numerous cave photography workshops at Carlsbad 
Caverns National Park and around the country.  He is married to architect Sarah 
Holland and has one daughter, Aspen, a dancer and actor.

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