Hi all,

I'm sorry I missed the Spring Convention, it sounds like a good time was had by 
all.  Thanks to Ellie for setting it up!

TCMA was busy at Spring Convention.  The TCMA Auction was a big hit on Saturday 
night.  Thanks to Jim Kennedy with help from Saj, Mallory,  Andrea, Ellie, Don, 
and Joe.  I heard it was entertaining.  Anyone needing a reciept from the 
Auction, please send me a note.

The TCMA Breakfast was well recieved.  I am always glad that TCMA gets a chance 
to feed members and nonmembers alike for a small donation.  Thanks to all who 
showed up for breakfast.  I would also like to thank those who got up early to 
make breakfast!  Saj organized the breakfast and Matt ran it.  Matt Zappitello  
was supported Linda, Joe, Missy, Christie, Arron, and Aubrey.

TCMA had one of its two Members Meetings on Sunday morning.  I would like to 
thank Ron for taking over in my absence and running the meeting.  The big news 
from the meeting was the passing of our revised bylaws.  I want to thank all 
those who attended the meeting.

OK, I'm not infallible, I wasn't even there, so, if I somehow forgot to thank 
someone who helped TCMA at the Spring Convention, I am truly sorry.   Thanks to 
all the unsung heros who helped TCMA and thanks to all those unsung heros who 
worked to make the Spring Convention a fine event.

Allan Cobb
TCMA President

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