On NPR's Fresh Air program, to air today in San Antonio at 11 am, Werner Herzog 
will be interviewed about his new film and about the Cave of Forgotten Dreams.  
I wonder if this is the same Warner Herzog who is/was the famous mountain 


From: jerryat...@aol.com [mailto:jerryat...@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 11:19 PM
To: Texascavers@texascavers.com
Subject: [Texascavers] Bear DNA is clue to age of Chauvet cave art :

Bear DNA is clue to age of Chauvet cave art
19 April 2011 by Michael 

EXPLORING a gorge in south-east France in 1994 for prehistoric artefacts, 
Jean-Marie Chauvet hit the jackpot. After squeezing through a narrow passage, 
he found himself in a hidden 
 the walls of which were covered with paintings of 

But dating the beautiful images - which featured in Werner Herzog's recent 
documentary film Cave of Forgotten 
 - has led to an ugly 
 between archaeologists. Could the bones of cave bears settle the debate?

Within a 
 of Chauvet's discovery, radiocarbon 
 suggested the images were between 30,000 and 32,000 years old, making them 
almost twice the age of the famous Lascaux cave 
art<http://www.lascaux.culture.fr/?lng=en#/en/00.xml> in south-west France (see 
map). The result "polarised the archaeological world", says Andrew Lawson, a 
freelance archaeologist based in Salisbury, UK.

Lawson accepts the radiocarbon findings. "Nowhere else in western Europe do we 
know of sophisticated art this early," he says. But Paul 
Pettitt<http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/archaeology/staff/pettitt.html> of the 
University of Sheffield, UK, is adamant that the paintings cannot be that old. 
The dating study doesn't stand up, he claims, insisting that the paintings' 
advanced style is enough to mark them as recent. To suggest otherwise, he says, 
would be like claiming to have found "a Renaissance painting in a Roman villa".

Despite a comprehensive radiocarbon study published in 2001 that seemed to 
confirm that the paintings were indeed 30,000 years old (Nature, DOI: 
10.1038/35097160<http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/35097160>), Pettitt and his 
colleagues were unconvinced. Two years later they argued that the cave walls 
were still chemically active, so the radiocarbon dating could have been thrown 
out by changes over the millennia to the pigments used to create the paintings 
(Antiquity, vol 77, p 134).

To try to settle the controversy, Jean-Marc Elalouf of the Institute of Biology 
and Technology in Saclay, France, and his team have turned to the remains of 
cave bears. Along with mammoths and other huge mammals, cave bears (Ursus 
spelaeus) dominated the European landscape until the end of the last ice age.

The Chauvet cave contains several depictions of cave bears, and Elalouf argues 
that these must have been painted while the bears still thrived in the area. To 
pin down when the bears disappeared, his team collected 38 samples of cave bear 
remains in the Chauvet cave and .

They found that almost all the samples were genetically similar, suggesting the 
cave bear population was small, isolated and therefore vulnerable. Radiocarbon 
dating showed the samples were all between 37,000 and 29,000 years old, hinting 
that by the end of that period they were extinct, at least locally. Samples 
from a nearby cave, Deux-Ouvertures, gave similar results (Journal of 
Archaeological Science, DOI: 

Given the age of the cave bear remains, "it is clear that the paintings are 
very ancient", says Elalouf. Michael 
 of the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, who also studies cave 
bears, says he has no doubts about the DNA analysis.

While we do not know exactly when cave bears became 
extinct<http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1502-3885.2008.00071.x>, all reliably dated 
remains in Europe are at least 24,000 years old, says Martina 
Pacher<http://www.oeaw.ac.at/kfq/pacheren.html> of the Commission of Quaternary 
Research in Vienna, Austria. "So the results at Chauvet are not surprising, and 
I agree with their conclusions," she says.

"We now have an independent line of evidence that the bears [in Chauvet] date 
to before 29,000 years ago," Lawson says. "That bolsters the case for an early 

Pettitt remains unconvinced, calling the new research "sloppy". He says that 
the team is trying to extrapolate the regional spread of the bears over time by 
relying on evidence from just two caves.

Pettitt also questions whether the paintings show cave bears at all: brown 
bears lived in the area long after the cave bears were gone. But Elalouf says 
the two species can be distinguished by skull shape, and that the paintings 
definitely show cave bears.


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