Wow! That's almost the same number of people we had at the Honey Creek 20-year anniversary in 2000! (84 was the official count then, but they didn't all go caving. See Texas Caver 45(5) p. 125-126, Sept./Oct. 2000.) Good show!

Mark Minton

At 04:21 PM 2/1/2011, Kurt L. Menking wrote:
My hats off to Ellie for getting the word out and motivating cavers from all over the state to come out to Honeycreek cave this weekend. Don Brusard and Kitty, and others helped run the tractor to get everyone in and out safely. It was largely a cat hearding exercise Saturday morning, but once everyone was in the cave everything seemed to go smoothly.

We had 83 people go caving in Honeycreek Saturday. 83 people signed the log sheet, and 82 people signed out. The one who didn't sign out was hunted down by cell phone and tongue lashed appropriately. We also had at least 3-6 surface people out during the day, so we had very close to 90 folks on the property.

I don't know the exact numbers but about 60 folks did through trips. Half went in at the spring, and half went in at the shaft. The groups were staggered and while there were a few bottle necks here and there they were not a big deal. One group did the through trip in 2 hours and 45 minutes. And one of those guys had only one flipper (he was the one setting the blistering pace).

Another large group did the trip up the QA to the pretty walking section.

And Ed, Mallory, Ellie, and others did the push to the end of the Mile Crawl passage.

All in all a great weekend. I'm not sure we had this many people in the cave at TCR.

I know lots of photos were taken, so some of you need to send Mark your pics with a trip report. It was an epic weekend.


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