
Might you have protégées ?


From: []
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Mystery at Jester Cave!!!

I let Mark know that I did not rock him. No, I have retired from that activity. 
Too many people get their feelings hurt.
I suggested to Mark that it might well have been his daughter and 
daughter-in-law that did it. Now he vows to get them


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark.Alman <>
To: texascavers <>
Cc: speleosteele <>; Diana Tomchick 
Sent: Mon, Feb 14, 2011 12:06 pm
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] Mystery at Jester Cave!!!

Part of the mystery has been solved and Bill has been absolved and eliminated 
as a suspect.

I know suspect the two lovely ladies that accompanied me this weekend as being 
the suspects and they will be dealt with accordingly.

Now, I know why they didn't sit near us Saturday night, Bill!

(I wonder where they got the idea from! Hmmm.)


From: Alman, Mark @ SSG - WSG - EOS
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 11:35 AM
Subject: [Texascavers] Mystery at Jester Cave!!!

Went caving this past weekend with Bill Steele and Diane Tomchick at Jester 
Cave in SW OK this past weekend and had a blast!

We were joined by my lovely daughter-in-law, Brandi Alman and her friend 
Jennifer, the SMU Outdoor club, several DFW Grotto cavers, and a Boy Scout 

A great, wet, muddy, cold time was had by all and we enjoyed the camaraderie 
and a TON of hibernating bats were observed, with no WNS evident!

A great mystery has ensued, however and Sherlock Holmes may need to be called 

While unloading my gear yesterday and disinfecting it and what not, I was 
shocked to find not one, but, two rather sizeable rocks in my cave pack!

How did they get there and what twisted and demented soul could possibly 
perform this dastardly act of geological treachery upon an innocent, balding 51 
YO, such as myself?!

Your help in apprehending this deviant and helping to solve this mystery will 
help make the world a safer place and allow us to eradicate, once and for all,  
the act of rocking packs!

Thanks for your support!

(Tongue firmly placed in cheek and the newest proud member of the "I've Been 
Rocked" Club)     Mark

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