Thanks Frank.  Good examples of the black & white world I mentioned in a 
previous email.

The wedding was unusual because it brought together two groups of people who would never have mingled otherwise. Duwain was in the Aggie Cadet Corps, so half of the guests were Aggies, including many cadets. The other half was Barbara's many caver friends from Austin and other places, who showed up with beards, long hair, and wearing blue jeans. Most of the cavers had never met Duwain and were confused, even concerned, about Barbara's decision. Duwain and I had shared a big ol' house in Bryan so I assured them that Barbara had made a good choice. Both groups were on their best behavior and it was a memorable wedding, which as Frank said, has resulted in a lasting relationship.

Like a lot of cavers, Barb and Duwain became serious river rafters, and have a successful sideline selling very detailed maps they've made of major rivers in the western U.S.
Check out at   http://


P.S.  Sorry you're not going to be at TCR this year.


On 10/13/2010 8:52 PM, Frank Binney wrote:
I recently scanned some black and white negatives of a Texas caver wedding
back in 1981. You might be surprised at some of the portraits of cavers you
know today, "all dressed up" in their 70s-era best for a church ceremony.
Here's a public link of the album on my Facebook page:

You don't have to be a Facebook member to view the images.
PS--I'm bummed out that I can't make it back to Texas this weekend to take
more embarrassing photos like these at TCR.

Frank Binney
Frank Binney&  Associates
Interpretive Planning and Media Development
P.O. Box 258
Woodacre, CA 94973

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