Folks in the Austin area might find this of interest as my daughters live near 
2244/Cuernavaca. Are tarantulas common in the Austin area? What say you, Andy? 
(Mark is her boyfriend).


From: Fritz Holt
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 10:07 AM
To: 'Mandy Holt'; Jenny Holt;
Subject: RE: tarantula


That is weird and just in time for Halloween. Sounds like a Mark trick. They 
are cool and interesting but are basically harmless. They don't usually bite if 
handled carefully but if they do, it is no worse than a bee sting. You did the 
right thing but I would have been tempted to put it in a fish bowl with sand in 
the bottom and display it at Halloween. They are basically in-ground dwellers 
in holes with a trap door. Forty years ago I was heading north leaving Lajitas 
after it had rained fairly hard and the water had driven them out of their 
holes. There were dozens of them on the highway. It was a strange sight. I put 
several in small individual Sun-Maid raisin boxes and brought them home but 
don't remember what I did with them but I wouldn't have killed them. Big Bend 
is one of the most beautiful parts of our magnificent state. I want to go there 
again soon before I get old. :(


From: Mandy Holt []
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 9:41 AM
To: Jenny Holt;; Fritz Holt
Subject: tarantula

Guess what?  There was a good sized tarantula in my kitchen this morning.  I 
saw something weird poking out of the top of the bottom cabinet (it turned out 
to be its legs), so I opened the door.  I guess the door was already cracked 
open since I saw the legs coming out, and there it was.  Kind of startled me, 
didn't expect to see that.  I put it on a plastic cup and took it out front.

Mandy Holt
Investments Travel Coordinator
(512) 867-7296

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