Cave miners close to connecting three British counties  underground
Around 100 miles of limestone tunnels  navigated through by enthusiasts 
would connect Yorkshire, Lancashire and  Cumbria 
_Martin Wainwright_ ( ( ,  Thursday 12 August 2010 
11.47  BST

Potholers are 20 metres away from connecting 100 miles of limestone tunnels 
 that would link three counties underground for the first time. 
Only a couple of months of burrowing remains before  a passage below the 
Pennine fells near Ingleton, in North _Yorkshire_ 
( , connects the huge local system 
with _Lancashire_ 
(  and Cumbria. 
A "dry" circuit of the north of England has been an ambition for some 40  
years, following previous landmarks such as the opening of a way between 
Gaping  Gill, a cavern large enough to contain St Paul's cathedral, and 
Ingleborough  cave in the Three Peaks area of North Yorkshire. 
The county was linked underground with Cumbria in the 1970s when cavers 
found  their way through sediment-blocked passages connecting shafts at 
Casterton, near  Kirkby Lonsdale. Since then, work has continued on a maze of 
tunnels and  weaknesses. 
The current exploration is being led by a caving group known as the Misty  
Mountain Mud Miners, whose name describes their painstaking attempts to worm 
 through boulder chokes without risking rock falls. The breakthrough is 
expected  to come between Notts Pott and Lost John cave, above the levels where 
 cave-diving becomes necessary to make further progress. 
The prospect, which would attract international cavers for a "three-county  
experience" in Britain's increasingly popular underworld, follows 
"fantastic  work", according to Ian Lawtonl, a member of the survey team. He 
"When all  the links are finally established there could be up to 100 miles of 
Dye in underground streams has long confirmed the inter-county connection 
and  in January a smoke test showed the existence of a dry way through. 
Another  miner, Andy Walsh, said that the joint system would have some 30 
different  entrances in the three counties. 
"Every new place is different, so when you break through to somewhere no 
one  has stepped in or seen before it is unbeatable. You just don't know what 
is  going to be round each corner," he said. 
"It's a very exciting time to be a caver in this area. The new areas 
haven't  been uncovered since before the ice age." 

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