Just in time for TCR and Christmas:



A whole CD of back issues of The TEXAS CAVER will be available for
purchase by YOU for a measly $10.






The TSA Officers and I have agreed to make these back issues available
as a fundraising project for the TSA  to all who want a peek at the dim,
dark past of Texas caving, reaching back over 50 years!



The CD currently contains issues dating all the way back to October,
1955, beginning with issue Volume 0, Number 1.



There is a gap from 1955 to 1974, and then every issue from 1974 thru
1988 is present and accounted for your reading pleasure.


 All 20 back issues that are currently on the TSA website will also be


There is some very good stuff in these back issues, including some
hilarious cartoons, "unique" covers, excellent articles, great
photography, and commentary from such well known luminaries at Speleo T.



I would like to make this collection as thorough and complete as
possible, so if any of you past editors have issues that you worked on
that you would like included, get them to me ASAP for inclusion.



I will be taking pre-orders for these and will have your copy available
at TCR, as well as extra copies at the TSA Store for sale.



We also will have back issues in hard copy form available for purchase
and, all you Grottos, if you would like some back issues for your Grotto
Libraries, as well as copies available to hand out to new and existing
members, see Logan and Lee Jay, as they would love to give you a stack
of back issues.


Logan, in particular, would love to help y'all spread the word on caving
in Texas, as you would be helping him get is garage back!



Thanks and let me know if y'all would like a copy.











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