Tips that could save Chile's trapped miners

A Briton who spent 105 days alone in a cave offers advice to  the 33 men 
who may be underground until Christmas  
<AUTHOR>By Nina 
Sunday, 29 August 2010 
The national celebrations in Chile after 33 workers were  found alive 
almost 700m underground in the collapsed San Jose mine in Copiapo,  turned to 
horror as it emerged that the miners may not be brought to the surface  for 
another four months. 
Supplies have been sent down a bore hole 8cm wide but the men  – buried 
since 5 August – must remain holed up in a 50m2 emergency shelter at  the gold 
and copper mine, where temperatures are above 36C, perhaps until  Christmas. 
Some will cope better than others, but already five of the group were  said 
to be exhibiting signs of depression, refusing to take part in a video film 
 the other men made for relatives.  
One person who can understand the miners' coming  ordeal is Geoff Workman, 
81, from Harrogate. He spent 105 days living alone  underground in a cave in 
1963 – breaking the world record at the time by 45  days. His _aim was_ 
apped-miners-2064734.html#)   to prove that people can survive, 
psychologically as well as physically, for so  long. Although his effort was 
meticulously – he had enough food, plenty  of space and a busy work programme 
studying the _geology_ 
   of the caves – Mr 
Workman's experience offers insights into how the Chilean  miners will be 
feeling and the challenges that lie ahead. 
He believes discipline and a daily routine are vital to  ensure they come 
out in one _psychological_ 
   piece. "I'm sure 
they are feeling disappointed... but they must stay  disciplined: get up 
every day, wash, do their exercises, as this is what will  help them mentally 
to survive those conditions," he says. "Even though they  don't have much 
space, exercises like hopping on the spot are essential for  their physical 
and mental well-being." 
Dr James Thompson, a psychologist from University College  London, says it 
is vital that the miners maintain trust in those above ground  who are 
trying to _secure_ 
   their release. Mr Workman 
agrees that any doubt will make it much harder to stay  strong.  
"They must also remain hopeful and confident about being  rescued; the 
uncertainty will be difficult but they mustn't lose hope," he says.  "Having 
each other will be a great advantage. If one or two of the men are going  
through a low point, the others can support them. When I went through low  
points, being alone was difficult. Before me, it was thought that human beings  
couldn't survive underground any longer than 65 days. So right after I broke 
the  world record I started to worry about whether I could survive, and 
having no one  to talk to about this wasn't easy." 
The heat is causing a number of problems for the Chilean  miners: 
dehydration, fatigue and weakness. Not so for Mr Workman. "The most  difficult 
for me was the damp. Keeping my clothes and sleeping bag dry was  
impossible. In Chile, it seems heat is the big problem, which will tire and  
them. Though I came out much paler, a lack of sunlight didn't bother  me so 
much – the light from the lamps I had with me was fine." 
A caving enthusiast, Mr Workman still spends three days a  week slowly 
burrowing through a vault, 6ft high and 11-inch wide, at Stump Cross  Caverns 
North Yorkshire, trying to find a set of beautiful caves and an  
underground lake which have been hidden since the 1920s.  
"The single most important thing for the miners is keeping  busy with a 
day-to-day routine. This is a must for their physical and mental  well-being." 

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