>From today's GovExec.com
Feds get time off to care for domestic partners, but not pets
> By Amelia Gruber agru...@govexec.com June 14, 2010
> Federal employees can now officially take leave to care for ill domestic
> partners.
> In a final rule published in the Federal Register on Monday, the Office of
> Personnel Management clarified that partners of the same and the opposite
> sex count as family members for the purposes of sick leave, funeral leave,
> voluntary leave transfer, voluntary leave banks and emergency leave
> transfer. Parents of domestic partners also fall under the definition of
> family members and immediate relatives, according to the personnel agency.
> "When implemented, these regulations will help ensure that agencies
> consider the needs of a diverse workforce and provide employees with the
> broadest support possible to help them balance their work, personal and
> family obligations," the rule stated.
> The regulation takes effect on July 14. It comes in response to a June 2009
> presidential directive to extend same-sex domestic partners of federal
> employees similar benefits as spouses, where legally possible. President
> Obama reiterated his commitment in a memorandum earlier this month.
> OPM noted it received 74 comments from agency officials, labor unions,
> professional groups and individuals on the draft wording released last
> fall. Most supported the rule change, with several noting it would mean
> they could keep their jobs and still care for loved ones.
> Nine people opposed the change on the grounds it hurt the institution of
> marriage and would confer a right to a "special interest group" saddling
> taxpayers with additional costs. In response, OPM said the regulation
> simply ensures agencies consistently provide existing rights. "These
> changes do not reflect an additional benefit provided to a 'special
> interest group' or a fundamental change in the government's human resources
> policy," the rule stated.
> Agency officials rejected requests to add others such as nieces and nephews
> to the list of qualified relatives, noting the examples of family members
> "are not intended to be exhaustive, but rather illustrative." They also
> denied requests for more documentation of domestic partnerships, noting the
> same rules should apply to all types of relatives and officials have the
> right to seek more information if they suspect abuse of the policy.
> OPM nixed a suggestion to include pets in the definition of family members,
> noting, "while we agree that a person may have a close bond with his or her
> pet," employees still must use annual leave or leave without pay to stay
> home with sick pets.
> Louise Power
> Finance Tech
> Medford District Office
> 541-618-2211

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