There will be a scheduled  project trip to Amistad National Recreation Area 
near Del Rio, Texas on the  weekend of September 11-12, 2010.  I have slots 
for about 15-20 people  so this will be a first come-first serve 
opportunity for  folks. 
The goals for the trip will  be to: 
1.)  Relocate caves and  karst features that were noted by the 
International Boundary Water Commission  back in the early 1960s.  We have 
locations and descriptions but no  one has relocated and surveyed these 
since then. 
2.)  Explore and survey  the caves and karst features that have been 
3.)  Ridgewalk areas  that have no known caves. 
Camping will be  provided by the NPS at the group camping site.  For those 
that  want a warm bed and sit-down meal, Del Rio is only about 15 minutes  
Some of the caves may be  vertical and/or require digging to open.  The 
flora in the area can only be  described as vicious so bring tweezers and long 
pants.  Heavy hiking boots  are a must if you don't want the cactus and 
lechuguilla to cripple you.   The  weather at that time of the year will be 
and probably dry, so  plan accordingly.  If you have any questions, please 
contact me off  digest. 
I hope to see you all out  there.  There's plenty of caves and karst for 
everyone  ! 
Jerry  Atkinson.

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