It's really not surprising that media people and other non-cavers tend to think 
that "spelunker" is a technical term for "caver". They hear cavers refer to the 
scientific study of caves as "speleology" and to the scientists who do it as 
"speleologists". Similarly, they notice that cavers often favor the term 
"speleological" when naming their official organizations (NSS, TSA, TSS, etc.). 
Since "spelunker" more closely resembles these technical sounding terms than 
does the word "caver", people outside the caving community naturally assume 
that "spelunker" is the more technical, formal, and preferred term and that 
"caver" is merely an informal slang word, perhaps with less respectful 
connotations. Little do they know that most cavers prefer not to be called 

The reason for this misunderstanding between cavers and the outside world is 
that, for decades, cavers have been too embarrassed to explain the etymology of 
"spelunker" and how it differs from that of all the technical sounding 
speleo-whatever words. Cavers like words beginning with "speleo" because this 
prefix has a long history of favorable associations with caves and caving. In 
contrast, words beginning with "spelunk" have less favorable connotations, 
because "speeeeelunk" is the sound made by a caver falling down a pit and 
splattering onto the floor below. Hence, "spelunking" is the act of making this 
sound, and a "spelunker" is a caver who does it, so no self respecting caver 
would ever want to become known as a spelunker! Embarrassment over this 
etymology of "spelunker" not only has made cavers reluctant to explain it to 
the outside world, but it also has made a lot of old time cavers reluctant to 
explain it to subsequent generations. Consequently, all that was effectively 
passed down through the generations was a seemingly inexplicable aversion to 
the term, leading to a lot of vague hand waving and speculation among current 
cavers about why none of them like to be called "spelunkers".

That, essentially, is the explanation I heard from a few older cavers back when 
I started caving about 40 years ago, and I haven't heard a better one since. So 
that's my story, and I'm sticking to it, at least, until I hear someone concoct 
a better one. ;)


-----Original Message-----
>From: David <>
>Sent: Apr 19, 2010 2:39 AM
>To: Cavers Texas <>
>Subject: [Texascavers] spelunker again
>The writer of the article below has a new twist on the term "spelunker."
>Note, he claims it is the "technical term," for caving.
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