The Houston Chronicle released a database of 232 murders in Mexico that they
claim were of citizens of the U.S.A.

If this list is accurate, and complete ( which I doubt it is ), it
seems worth pointing out that 95 percent of
the victims were Hispanic.   One of the 10 or so Anglos, was with a
hispanic that
was murdered.    And one Anglo was killed in a barfight over a woman.

I am not making a racist comment, but only to point out that these
statistics show
an Anglo is relatively safe in Mexico.   I guess you could say the
same statement
about Asians, or Blacks or others.

It only goes back 7 years, but that may be to emphasize the recent

The only American caver I have ever heard of having been robbed, was by a taxi
driver or the transit police ( los pinches transitos ) in Mexico City
back in the 80's.

David Locklear
caver in Fort Bend County

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