
Once again you have done a great job in editing (producing) this fine edition 
of The Texas Caver as well as this helpful list to remind us of our TSA dues 
status. I was quite surprised at the names of delinquent cavers, many of whom 
are stalwarts and well known cavers in our Texas fraternity. This will 
undoubtedly prompt those who were unaware of their X date to re-up.


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 9:01 AM
Subject: [Texascavers] TSA Membership Statuseseses

I know it's been a while since I've beaten down everyone here with a list 
showing YOUR membership status, so, here it goes!

Please look over this simple list and, yes, I discovered my dues were up and 
just now paid them.

See below to see if your name is here and, hopefully, you're paid up.

If your dues have expired (!) or you're not a member, yet, (!!!), that can be 
rectified, as well!


2010 10 Andrew Alman
2011 4 Mark Alman
2009 11 Bruce Anderson
2012 5 Don Arburn
2010 10 Katie Arens
2011 10 Gerald Atkinson
2010 8 Randy Baker
2009 5 Donald Barker
2010 1 Dale Barnard
2010 1 Peter  Baron
2010 5 Roger Bartholomew
2010 10 Bill Bell
2010 12 William (Bill) T. Bentley
2012 4 Aimee Beveridge
2010 9 Frank Binney
2010 3 Darla Bishop
2010 11 Robert Bisset
2010 10 Stanley Bittinger
2010 1 Alan Blevins
2009 6 Grace Borengasser
2011 2 Scott Boyd
2010 5 Bill Brooks
2010 10 John P Brooks
2010 10 Don Broussard
2010 3 Tom Brown
2009 1 Michelle M. Bryant
2010 6 E. Wayne Burks
2009 5 Robert (Bob) Burleson
2010 10 Rune (Robert) Burnett
2010 10 Mike Burrell
2010 10 Tom Byrd
2009 5 Justin Campbell
2011 3 John Chelf
2010 10 Susan Chelf
2010 7 Michael Cicherski
2011 1 Allan Cobb
2010 10 Don Cooper
2010 10 Rick Corbell
2009 10 Robert (Bob) Cowell
2010 9 Jon Cradit
2009 8 Stefan Creaser
2009 11 George Crosby
2009 11 Bruce (Ruff) Daniels
2010 10 Joe Datri
2010 1 Jacob Deeds
2010 10 Dan Dennison
2009 10 Josh Dossett
2009 10 Michael O. Doughty
2010 11 T. R. Evans
2010 10 Jim Evatt
2009 2 Alexa Ewen
2009 9 Ryan Fabich
2010 10 Paul Fambro
2009 10 Walter Feaster
2010 5 Weimin Feng
2010 10 Megan Files
2010 10 Kim Fleischmann
2010 8 Stephen Fleming
2010 10 Yazmin Flores
2010 10 Don Formanek
2010 1 Butch Fralia
2011 10 Gary Franklin
2010 10 Sheree Frazer
2010 10 Charles Fromen
2010 10 Jared Fuller
2010 10 Daniel Galvan
2010 10 Ernest Garza
2010 10 Dustin Gashette
2010 4 Mark Gee
2011 5 Gerald Geletzke
2009 10 Edward Gemar
2010 6 Julia Germany
2010 12 Joe and Georgie Giddens
2009 5 Andy Gluesenkamp
2010 10 Keith Goggin
2010 10 Rod Goke
2010 3 Charles Goldsmith
2010 1 Glen Goldsmith
2009 10 Rodolfo (Fofo) Gonzalez-Luna
2009 10 Sherry Graham
2010 10 Lee Jay Graves
2010 10 William Gregorcyk
2011 3 Michael Gross
2010 10 Andy Grubbs
2010 10 Steve Gutting
2010 10 Howard Haddock
2010 10 J. Jackson Harper
2010 10 Michael Harris
2010 11 Will Harris
2010 10 Blake Harrison
2009 12 Lydia Hernandez
2009 10 Marta Herrera
2010 10 Ray Hertel
2010 2 Frank Herzig
2009 12 Steve Hicks
2009 8 Jennifer Hilbert
2012 5 Jenny Holt
2010 10 Fritz F. Holt
2009 2 Alan Holzgrafe
2010 10 Jocie Hooper
2010 1 Stephen Howe
2009 4 Keith Huess
2010 4 Goniela Iskali
2009 10 James Jasek
2009 11 Chris Jenkins
2010 10 Tommy Joe
2009 4 Jack Johnson
2009 10 Russ Johnson
2011 4 Rebecca Jones
2010 10 Vico Jones
2010 10 Jay Jorden
2010 3 Joy Kennedy
2011 4 Jim Kennedy
2010 10 Peter Keys
2010 3 Stanley Kiebzak
2010 11 Joel King
2009 11 Frank Kirby
2009 1 Koyle D. Knape
2010 5 Orion Knox
2010 1 John M. Kreidler
2010 10 Jean "Creature" Krejca
2009 10 Michael J.  Krell Jr.
2010 11 Carl Kunath
2009 9 Stacy Lake
2009 6 Kenneth Larsen
2010 5 Cynthia Lee
2010 10 Ted Lee
2010 10 Bennett Lee
2010 10 Dave Lester
2010 2 Roy Lewis
2010 10 Bill Liebman
2010 3 Pete Lindsley
2009 4 David Locklear
2010 10 Vivian Loftin
2009 10 James Loftin
2010 10 Bonnie Longley
2009 12 James Lopez
2010 10 George Love
2009 11 Kerry Lowery
2010 1 Michael Lutz
2010 10 Kim Maloy
2009 10 Mary Kay Manning
2010 10 Karen Masters
2009 8 Robin and Ann Matthews
2010 1 Mallory Mayeux
2009 12 David McAdoo
2011 11 Dave McClung
2010 10 J. Katherine McClure
2009 10 Ryan F. McCormick
2010 3 Gary McDaniel
2010 10 Kenny McGee
2010 1 Kevin McGowan
2011 10 David McKenzie
2010 10 James McLane
2010 11 James McLean
2011 12 Logan McNatt
2009 10 Lisa McWhirter
2009 8 Martha Meacham
2010 11 Kurt Menking
2009 1 AnnMarie Mikelski
2010 5 Marvin Miller
2010 8 Ron E. Miller
2010 4 Herman Miller
2012 2 Mark Minton
2010 10 Joe Mitchell
2009 10 Robert & Linda Mitchell
2010 10 William (Bill) Mixon
2009 11 Dale and Marilyn Moerbe
2010 10 Ryan Monjaras
2010 10 Virginia Montier
2010 10 Jill Moody
2010 6 Nancy Moore
2011 5 Roger G. Moore
2010 10 Philip Stockton Morey
2009 7 Lawrence Najjar
2009 8 James P. Nance
2010 3 Simon Newton
2011 10 David Ochel
2010 6 University of Texas at Austin
2009 10 Daniel T Oughton
2010 10 Libby Overholt
2009 12 Linda Palit
2010 10 Dale Pate
2009 10 Joe Pearce
2009 10 Cynthia A. Perez
2011 12 Karen Perry
2011 4 Michael Portman
2009 8  Professional Rescue Outfitters
2011 6 Terry Raines
2010 2 Ron Ralph
2009 8 Joe and Sara Ranzau
2010 10 Darrell Rees
2010 1 Randal Reinertson
2009 10 Leslie Rhoades
2009 11 George-Paul Richmann
2010 10 Sheryl Rieck
2010 3 Stirling Robertson
2010 5 Hadley Robinson
2010 12 Paul Rodriguez
2010 10 Christie Rogers
2010 8 Katy Roodenko
2010 10 Will Rupley
2011 3 Carol  Russell
2010 10 William H. Russell
2009 11 Ron Rutherford
2010 12 Shawn Ruzek
2009 5 Mustafa Saribudak
2010 11 Geary Schindel
2010 10 John Schneider
2009 1 Matt Schran
2010 1 Travis Scott
2010 3 Ann Scott
2010 10 Jennifer Scruggs
2010 2 Bess Dinning Shields
2009 10 Thomas Sitch
2010 12 Forrest Smith
2010 10 Richard M. Smith
2010 10 Peter Sprouse
2010 10 Terri Sprouse (Whitfield)
2009 10 Kevin Stafford
2010 10 C. William Steele
2010 10 Bill Stephens
2009 6 Bill & Julie Stiver
2011 4 Tom Summers
2010 10 Shannon Summers
2010 3 Bernard (Bernie) W. Szukalski
2009 10 Dave Taylor
2009 10 Charles Tevhstovy
2010 10 Charles Tewksbury
2009 12 San Marcus Texas State University
2010 10 Mary Thiesse
2011 1 Ellie Thoene
2010 10 Jacqui  Thomas
2010 7 Jimmy Thurlo
2011 1 Lyndon Tiu
2010 11 Matt Turner
2010 5 Baylor University
2010 11 George Veni
2010 10 Jon Vinson
2009 6 Ronald Voyles
2010 10 Chris Vreeland
2010 9 Jesse Walker
2010 1 Daniel J. Walker
2010 1 Mike (John) Walsh
2010 10 Steve Webb
2010 10 David Wendeborn
2011 9 Arron Wertheim
2010 10 Roy Wessel
2010 10 Bob West
2010 9 Garry White
2010 10 Joel Williams
2010 1 John  Worsfold
2011 1 Eddie Yonemoto
2010 10 Matthew Zappitello
2010 10  Zara Environmental
2009 10 Andy Zenker

If you're currently not a member in good standing, please don't despair and 
wail and gnash your teeth.

There's no reason to be a member of the unwashed masses. There's still hope!

Join the TSA for a measly $15 (cheap!) at:

While you're at it, join the NSS, the TCMA, the TCC, the TSS, and any other 
worthy group you see listed in the "Links" section.

Also, if you know some of the folks listed above and they do not have email, 
please contact them and beg them to join or rejoin.

Finally, if y'all could take this list to your respective Grotto meetings and 
encourage folks to join or re-up, that would be great!

At the risk of starting a long and drawn out thread here on CaveTex, why should 
you join and where do my dues go towards?:

1 year subscription to The Texas Caver Options for ONLINE or Snail Mail (or 
Both) delivery. See Membership levels below.

Access to the Members Only area

Joining will make you a member of an organization that creates, supports and 
promotes projects around the state, furnishes and maintains equipment as needed.

Supports financially research into WNS (White Nose Syndrome).

Supports (occasionally, financially) a great web service in

Sponsors statewide events like the Spring Convention and TCR and international 
events like the ICS (including paying the fees for some well known 
international cavers who would otherwise be unable to attend).

Will put you in contact with a group of like minded folks interested in 
exploring and preserving underground Texas and educating others of its 

The Texas Speleological Association was formed in 1956 to bring the widely 
dispersed cavers and caving organizations in Texas together as an Association 
in order to promote cooperation and to coordinate the caving activities within 
the state. The cavers and organizations have changed over the years; both have 
increased in number and diversity. The importance of the TSA as an Association 
has never been greater. If you care about Texas caving at all, if you care 
about the discovery and exploration of new caves, if you care about mapping, if 
you care about conservation, if you care about safety, if you care to meet 
other cavers, if you care to know more about caving, if you want to keep up 
with the latest developments in equipment and techniques, then it is important 
that you join and support the TSA, and subscribe to The TEXAS CAVER.

The TSA convention offers cavers an opportunity to learn more about caving and, 
along with the Texas Cavers' Reunion (TCR), gives them a chance to meet other 
cavers and to have a good time. Bringing all of these varied entities together 
for the benefit of Texas caving is the reason that the TSA exists. If you are a 
part of Texas caving, you are a part of the TSA. Please support it by joining 
and encouraging other cavers to join.

Membership Levels

Single Membership - $15.00 - Newsletter Online

Single Membership - $25.00 - Newsletter Mailed

Family Membership - $20.00 - Newsletter Online - Two votes in TSA Elections

Family Membership - $30.00 - Newsletter Mailed - Two votes in TSA Elections

Student Membership - $10.00 - Newsletter Online - No Voting

Student Membership - $20.00 - Newsletter Mailed - No Voting

Libraries - $20.00 - Newsletter Mailed - No Voting

If you're a member, we appreciate your support and membership and hope it will 

If your dues have expired or you're not a member, we hope that you will 
consider joining and supporting the efforts of the TSA!

Speaking for all of the officers, we're here to serve you, so please let us 
know how we can improve.

We're all in this cave together and I hope to see you there!


Mark Alman

TSA Chair and Editor - The TEXAS CAVER

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